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Jerry DeLemus is Coming Home Let’s Give him a Hero’s Welcome

As additional facts emerge about the January 6th events at the US Capitol, it’s becoming clear to many of us that in today’s America, federal law enforcement is sometimes used as a tool in silencing political opposition.

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Jerry DeLemus


Liberty and freedom in America as defined and protected by our state and federal Constitutions are taken for granted by too many people – because those people do not realize and appreciate that our freedom is not free. The cost comes in many forms, and sometimes the price is very high.

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Jerry DeLemus

Jerry DeLemus is Coming Home – Please Help Us Welcome Him!

Jerry DeLemus is finally getting released from prison.  They will be picking Jerry up on 11/9/21 to return to his home and his family. They are also setting up a motorcade escort for Jerry with two locations. The motorcade will travel from Devens with a stop at the NH Travel Ctr and then to the Home Depot in Rochester.

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Delemus flag uniform Bundy Ranch

Jerry Delemus Is Getting Early Release on November 9.!!!

Some good news to wake up with. NH activist Jerry Delemus is getting an early release from jail. He was targeted and strong-armed into a plea deal related to his presence at the Bundy Ranch during the standoff with the FBI in 2014. Jerry will be coming home on November 9th.

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Delemus flag uniform Bundy Ranch

The Purge

It seems the FBI, through the DOJ, is in the process of “investigating” a number of those who were outspoken about the attempted coup to undo the Trump campaign and his presidency.

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In the Days Leading up to the United States Marine Corps’ Birthday, the Corps Always Occupies My Mind

In the days leading up to the United States Marine Corps’ birthday, the Corps always occupies my mind. The men I served with, what we endured, good and bad but always with something deep within me that stirs my soul.

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Jerry Delemus

Who Should Not Be in Jail? Jerry Delemus!

Violent Communist agitators backed by millions in donated funds are wreaking as much pre-election organized havoc as possible.  Progressives in Hollywood as well as Democrat elites are complicit in burning down their own cities as angry communists claim the surrendered land as their own.

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Jerry Delemus

A Presidential Pardon for Jerry Delemus – an update

First, thanks to all of you that left a comment or emailed Sue Delemus or myself to have your name added to the petition.  That was sent to Jerry’s lawyer late yesterday. Given the short amount of time we had to kick this off, it is nice to be able to report that over 250 … Read more

Jerry Delemus

Committee to Support a Pardon for Gerald (Jerry) DeLemus

UPDATED and BUMPED: Thanks to all that either wrote a comment below or emailed me at Skip@GraniteGrok.com with your info for signing the petition for Jerry. Please sign up now as the names will be sent to the lawyer drawing up the paperwork tomorrow (so I’m told). ************** Sue DeLemus called me earlier this evening … Read more

Judge Throws Out Case Against Cliven Bundy and Family, Bars Retrial

A District Court Judge has thrown out the government’s case against the Bundy Family over the now infamous standoff back in April of 2014. U.S. District Court Chief Judge Gloria Navarro “scolded the prosecution for violating the due process rights of the four defendants.”

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I get stuff. Cliven Bundy – subject of Fed malfeasance? And how does this play out for Jerry Delemus?

Well, of course – that’s already been decided.  But will this have an affect on the Feds’ case on Jerry Delemus?  You read, you decide but the first couple of paragraphs are pretty damning:

Bundy - Wooten page 1 snip

More of the document after the jump:

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A Presidential Pardon for Jerry Delemus

Cross-posted from Stella’s Place


Our friend, TheOriginalG-d&Country, sent the following post to me via email, and asked if I would share it with all of you. It is OG&C’s desire that it also be posted at The Conservative Treehouse (Last Refuge), and I will see if that can be done as well, though that decision will not be mine.

A Presidential Pardon for Jerry Delemus

OG&C has been researching the case of Jerry Delemus, and his involvement with the Bundy Ranch stand-off, which occurred in 2014. Here is the report resulting from this research.

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Video: An Update on Jerry DeLemus from his Wife Susan


For readers interested in what has happened or is happening with Jerry DeLemus, where he is, and how he’s doing in prison, here’s an update.

c/o Camp Constitution

Susan Delemus, discusses the plight of her husband, Jerry who came to the aid of the Bundy Family, and is currently serving a jail sentence at the 5th Annual Flag Day 2nd Amendment Rally Swift River Sportsman’s Club Belchertown, MA Saturday June 16, 2018.

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Throwback Thursday – Bundy Ranch Standoff Edition

Today on Throwback Thursday we feature our 40 minute interview with Jerry DeLemus live from the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada, from April 19th, 2014. Before that we’ve got Kimberly Morin and Richard Olson, as well as Sen. Bob Smith after hour two. Jerry was recently arrested by the FBI and is being held without bail for … Read more

GrokTALK! April 19th, 2014 From The Bundy Ranch in Nevada

Former NH House Rep and long time political activist and Veteran Jerry DeLemus joins us by phone from the Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville, Nevada, for an extended segment. We’ve got Cowschwitz, snipers, BLM’s mismanagement and abuse of animals and wildlife, and the sense of things on the ground right now. This is the complete segment … Read more

From the Democrat Socialists of America: We are working like crazy…………………..Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC: oh, really?

Bumped:  We getting ready to saddle up and head downrange to Dover for the event: BE THERE!


From the Democratic Socialists of America in the language of Occupy Wall Street:

The 99% Spring Offensive is coming. Will you be there?

Groups from every corner of the progressive movement – inspired by the everyday heroes of Occupy Wall Street and Madison, Wisconsin – are planning a massive campaign of bold nonviolent direct actions to explain who REALLY brought on the Great Recession, and make the voices of the 99% impossible to ignore.

Their stated aims are aligned with Obama – the total transformation of the United States of America (where one goal is that Government, not Citizens, are in control).  And they are energized and working hard at doing just that.  Well, there is one group here in NH that is saying “Over our dead bodies!” – The Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC!  Jerry Delemus, who took over the PAC (in addition to his shepherding of the Rochester (NH) 9/12 Project) as Chair when Jack Kimball decided to run for NH Governor, has returned those reins to Jack Kimball.  And at a meeting of the GSPLPAC last night, Jack made it clear that the group is regrouping and come out fast and furious:

Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC logo

The Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC

sponsors a


Tea Party

Saturday, April 21

2-4 p.m.

Guppey Park

168 Portland Ave. (Rt. 4), Dover

ALL Patriots, Liberty Groups, 912 Groups,

And Tea Parties are invited to participate

For additional information


The ‘Grok will be there to cover the event – see you there!

Updated: a message from Jack Kimball, Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC Chair

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GrokTV Special Interview: NH Prez Debate – the Moderators deliberately tried baiting the Republicans

Speaking of journalists…..

I also did an interview with Jerry Delemus of the Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC and Diane Bitter (Republican activist and co-founder of the Seacoast Freedom Network).  The full interview is on the bottom, but Jerry, during the interview, raised my eyebrows a bit.

Conservatives often believe that journalists are often biased away from them and and for liberal issues.  After looking at the questions asked, I beleive that most Conservatives would have had a different ordering and emphasis.  Add to that, “Conflict TV is good TV”, goes the saying.

Well, Jerry and Diane, during the interview, told the tale that Josh McElveen of WMUR and John King of CNN had actively conspired to create conflict (where there may not have been any to begin with) and were congratulating themselves for almost pulling it off:

Pulling it off?  I had brought up the subject, with Amy, that the MSM is actively trying to influence the Republican race, to nudge the electorate towards one or more (more moderate) Rs.

Well, it seems quite obvious that these two chuckleheads have proved my point as in “let’s make the Republicans look petty, argumentative, and start a food fight”.  Thus, instead of merely reporting the news, they were actively trying to make the news, to start the skewing of public opinion.

You’d think that CNN might have figured out that people don’t like this at all (given their loss of audience over the last few years, especially compared to Fox).  WMUR is a bit protected from this, being the only commercial TV station in the State.  With this brand of shennanigans, it is clear that the media is not the objective folks they try to portray.

Good going, Josh and John!  You’re trying hard for that skew of 15 points, aren’t you boys?

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