In the Days Leading up to the United States Marine Corps’ Birthday, the Corps Always Occupies My Mind


In the days leading up to the United States Marine Corps’ birthday, the Corps always occupies my mind. The men I served with, what we endured, good and bad but always with something deep within me that stirs my soul.


We’d like to thank Jerry Delemus for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to Skip@GraniteGrok or

245 years ago, on November 10th, in Tunn’s Tavern, the United States Marine Corps was founded, in a pub. A most fitting birthplace for the Marines. Our history is quite a story and one that is honorable, filled with those who have fought, bled, and died in defense of our Nation. When one decides that the defense of their Nation and what it stands for is worth giving their lives to defend, that belief does not go away, ever.

Our Nation is going through quite a lot of turmoil at present. There are those who look to destroy us and our history. They degrade our history and those who fought for the very freedoms they enjoy today. We hear calls that “we’re going to change America.” Into what, I ask? I like our Nation; I like our Constitution, I like our freedoms, what do they want to change?

Communists flooded into America in the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s when war raged in Europe. They knew they would be safe here in America from Europe’s tyrants. The problem is that America was (and is) put in harm’s way by Communism. Communism does not work with our form of government, which is a Republican form of government. The Communists know this, so they lie, cheat, and bear false witness to corrupt our government and cause a revolution.

We hear from those who hate our nation, and in the Corps, we called them “the 10 percent” they are the quitters, the non-hackers, they are untrustworthy. We drove them out so that those who made it were proven trustworthy, those you could count on, they are “Semper Fidelis” or in English “Always Faithful”.

Are those words “Semper Fidelis” (which is the Marine Corps Motto) a fitting description of those who represent us in government? How about in the Black Lives Matter groups or ANTIFA?
Semper Fidelis is the Marine Corps motto for a reason, and it has been established in the blood of Marines in every battlefield our Nation has fought, from the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli.

When I hear the lies about our President spoken by the Propagandists in the Media, it riles me; they are trying to overthrow our way of life. I hear lists are being drawn up by the Marxists and their allies of those who support President Trump so they can use intimidation to punish them. I pray my name is on their list.

The cowards who bully anyone who doesn’t fall in line with their Marxist beliefs will find they will have real trouble if they continue to press the Americans who love our Nation. I hear some say if the election doesn’t go their way, they’ll leave the country, good!

The Leftists in Hollywood always give us these empty promises, but they never seem to leave. They are liars, and they know there isn’t a safer Nation on earth to live in. Hell, the Marines (the other branches too) will protect them from Terrorists or America’s enemies even if they are too stupid to recognize how blessed they are to be Americans. Yes, we’ll die to protect those we don’t have a thing in common with, that’s America.

As I view the DOJ and FBI’s behavior, I continually question, where are the good guys? The guys who really believe in their Oath to our Constitution, the ones who will risk all to do what is right. I listen to the legalistic, cowardly, and dishonest testimony of former FBI Director Comey and Asst Director McCabe, and I am outraged.

These are the ones charged with enforcing our laws, and they absolutely have no integrity. They talk like lawyers because they know that they’ll be exposed for their lawless behavior if they tell the truth. They trap Lt. General Flynn (that’s 3 stars for you civilians), so they can wrongly prosecute him and attack our President. In the UCMJ (uniform code of military justice), one of the General Orders we are required to know and agree to is “I will obey all lawful orders.” That means I am not required to disobey all “unlawful orders.”

What about our DOJ and FBI people do? They get to break our laws and go against our Constitution and never be prosecuted? We must enforce justice, and that justice must be equally administered to all citizens, whether they are in government or the private world or there is no justice. Do we recall our Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence to a lawless government in England? The reason the Marines were formed was to defend our freedoms from tyrants and lawlessness.

As I sit in prison going on 5 years for doing what my Oath to the Constitution demands, I have seen lawlessness everywhere, but mostly in our government, and it must end. We have a chance with President Trump, keep your oath you who have taken one.

The word sacrifice means there is a personal cost to action. Our Nation was built on sacrifice, and if we are unwilling to sacrifice for what is right and just, we are truly lost and don’t deserve our freedoms.

On the Marine Corps’ birthday, think about what you have or are willing to sacrifice to do what is right for our Nation. Freedom isn’t free, and we all have a debt to our Nation and to the very ideals it was founded on.

Semper Fi,


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