Yep, they were warned (here, and here, ). And all over a completely avoidable issue: answer the dang questions! But no, with Chair Gretchen Gandini “guiding the silenced” these Elected Representatives who fancy themselves to be “School Board Members” that believe they are above the law just got a quick jerk on their choke chains:
Jeanin Onos
Gilford School Board – RTK this: Signed Copies of Policy BCA that mandates a Code of Ethics – The Response.
“Wonnerful, wonnerful, wonnerful…So why do you have a Policy that you can’t enforce and to which no one has agreed to follow by assenting to it in writing? “
Gilford School Board – RTK this: Signed Copies of Policy BCA that mandates a Code of Ethics.
Really? So School Board are assuming that merely by dint of winning a School Board race, the winning candidate is automatically enrolled into following a Code of Ethics? Funny, I always thought such a document had to be signed by consent? This Policy give NO ability of a School Board Member to do either #9 or … Read more
Right to Know Demand – Your Ethics Policy Outlines a Number of Items That a School Board Shall Comply With…”
I may well be a strange bird at times (as we all can be), but lately, and for obvious reasons, I’m reading School Board Policies. You know, those documents that describe how a School District is to operate in its entirety.
Is the Accused Domestic Abusing Superintendent ON PAID LEAVE? We Have An Answer!
The burning question regarding superintendent Kirk Beitler’s leave of absence (he is accused of domestic violence and assault) has been, is if he’s off duty without pay or on the taxpayer dime? We have an answer.
It’s Time for The Gilford School Board to Cough Up The Critical Race Theory Materials
Yes, I’ve been found out (to a point); From Commenter NHNative:
I’m seeing the beginnings of the “How to Do” section at GG.
We Know the Accused Domestic Abusing Superintendent is on Leave … IS HE ON PAID LEAVE?
I sent in another right to know that has to do what “they” told the Laconia Daily Sun. That Gilford Superintendent Kirk Beitler is “on leave” until October (when the first hearing is to be held). That’s not the question people are asking – is it PAID or UNPAID Leave?
Lying to Parents – Superintendent’s Response is Sheer Laziness – Beitler restarts “the pattern”
A bit of a recap here: The Gilford School Board, in its Policy JBAB, codifies Lying to Parents, either by commission or omission, when it comes to their children relative to their gender dysphoria/transgenderism. It has declared that, in this Dillon’s Rule state, that it has such power to grant a new Right to an Individual.
This School Board Policy Codifies Lying to Parents
If your School Board has anything like ours, there is a GREAT little gem in there that allows the School Boards and the Staff to lie to you, the Parents, about your child.