Maggie Goodlander: All Bread and No Meat

We’ve always reserved the right to share or use reader mail for content. I thought this brief bit of exposition on Jake Tapper and Maggie Goodlander was worth a share. Authors are welcome to identify themselves or not in the comments. I was just reading this article about what Jake Sullivan thinks about China and … Read more

Bananas: Handicapping the Debate

The first presidential debate of 2024 between the Orange Man and the Old Man went off with all the pomp and circumstance of a game of bingo at the local senior center.  Despite both candidates having a record number of voters in 2020 the hosts at CNN were unable to get any attendees to join … Read more

Trans poster calling all mediocre males

Vermont Sen. Slammed on Twitter After CNN Interview

Yesterday CNN’s Jake Tapper did a segment on the Mid Vermont Christian School girls basketball team choosing to forfeit rather than put their girls on the court against a team w’ith a 6’3” boy.  CNN brought a female reporter Brynn Gingras to get the story.  Mid Vermont declined to be interviewed almost certainly to avoid … Read more

Kirsten Gillibrand

“If Trump’s immigration positions are racist, were they racist when you held some of those positions, as well?”

Don’t be surprised but Jake Tapper attempted to commit journalism. The CNN host asked US Sen. (and presidential candidate) Kirsten Gillibrand “If Trump’s immigration positions are racist, were they racist when you held some of those positions, as well?”  Liberty Bugle reports that, According to a report by CNN, Gillibrand advocated for more deportations, closing the … Read more

What difference, at this point, does it make? One Mother Answers Hillary And Blames Her

Jake Tapper of CNN interviewed Pat Smith.  She is the mother of Sean Smith, who was a State Department officer killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

I can’t say that I’m the least bit surprised that Mrs. Smith is not all that sanguine about the dilatory dissemination of information coming from the Administration that answers the questions we’ve all been asking about the attack on the U.S. Embassy.  The attack that resulted in 4 dead, murdered Americans, including the first Ambassador to be killed in 30 years.

It’s simply a cover up, and it’s disgraceful.  To call it anything else is mendacious.  And Mrs. Smith knows who to blame: Hillary Clinton (at around 2:16 in the clip).

Excerpted text below courtesy of

Hillary Clinton loses it Drudge BenghaziHILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: With all due respect, the fact is, we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.

SMITH: Well, that’s what I want to know. Why did it happen? And she is in charge. Why couldn’t she do something about it? I blame her.

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