Maggie Goodlander: All Bread and No Meat

by The Editors

We’ve always reserved the right to share or use reader mail for content. I thought this brief bit of exposition on Jake Tapper and Maggie Goodlander was worth a share.

Authors are welcome to identify themselves or not in the comments.

I was just reading this article about what Jake Sullivan thinks about China and the new ‘Axis of Autocracy” they are forming.

I didn’t agree with anything he was saying. His take is so off that he sounds ridiculous, and apparently, I was right- to see the dork taken down in the comment section. 

He’s not convincing at all in pushing the narrative.. and more so because we all know he was Hillary’s pet. 

I got to thinking that this is who Maggie Goodlander is married to: this man who has it all wrong and is clearly a water carrier. 

I’d like to know what Maggie Goodlander plans on accomplishing for us here, given her lack of skills and that the entire game will radically differ in Daddy Trump’s DC. 

The Democrat Brand is so destroyed, so neutered that Van Williams and James Carville are going nutty- and the ass-kicking has not even begun yet. 

Wait till Vivek and Elon get going on their gravy trains. 

So, how do all the NH Donks feel now that they chose a car with no tires to take us on this trip? 

And how do NH Republicans feel that we’ve even got all these Donks here in NH messing up our lives- like really. 

Imagine what we could have had with Lily Tang Williams.

I’m now convinced this was not Maggie Goodlander’s WIN. I think it’s more that we were DENIED the progress of Lily Tang Williams, who would have done very well in the coming DC environment. 

So any progress for NH was just totally shut down because we’ve got a huge Nothingburger- literally, we got all bread and no meat, and that was exactly what their plan was for us. 

Now, what Jake’s entire narrative has wrong here is that they shockingly assume we’re going to just lie here dead in the water as they’ve made us.

When Trump sets this economy back on fire because he has to deal with the national debt, China will be eager to behave or be shut out of the giant Trump economy- which they won’t want.


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