New Hampshire Democrat Women! How Do You Think Live Birth Abortions Should Be Performed?

NH Democrat women and live birth abortion

No point in beating around the bush.  Kermit Gosnell has put live birth abortion front and center and so should we.  It is a thoroughly documented fact that this is something that a number of prominent Democrat women in New Hampshire support.  Democrat leaders in the state and the Democrat party support it.  So we should explore this support to learn more about it.

It is reported that Gosnell, who performed many live birth abortions, would take the crying newborns and snip their spines to kill them.   But that is not necessarily the way every abortion doctor kills newborn babies, so we should pose the question to those in the New Hampshire Democrat party who not only support the practice but enrich their political careers because of it.

To the Democrat women in New Hampshire that support this practice…do you believe that Gosnell’s method–severing the infants spine at the neck– is the best way to kill a baby or do you prefer another?

If you prefer some other method of killing them, what is it?  We know you support it.  So speak up.

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Progressive Zombie

I’m certain Fergus Culllen and I disagree on a great many things, but I have to admit — I like this editorial in the Union Leader: Liberal Jackie Cilley, Progressive Zombie.   He writes some unknown truths about Democrat Candidate for Governor Jackie Cilley, the accidental State Senator, offering up some insight into things she … Read more

Pledge Zombie Apocalypse

Taxes and Democrats The pledge politics lie and broad based taxesDemocrat Candidate Jackie Cilley is trying to rally the extreme left of the already extreme left in the New Hampshire Democrat party by pretending to be a moderating voice for tax policy.  Her distinction without a difference (other than that she is being direct about her desire for a broad based tax) is that the idea of taking a pledge to veto (or vote against) any sales or income tax is unfair.  That every option should be on the table.

As pointed out here, this is extremely disingenuous because this is the only policy in which she or any of her supporters (or any Democrat) wants to “have a conversation.”  But it is worse than even that.  The facts behind the pledge zombie antics on the lefts left are, as in most cases when dealing with Democrats, lying by omission.

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Did Maggie Cilley Ever Denounce Bill Clinton? (Video Added)

While we’re on the topic of denouncing things, not long ago, Bill Clinton, impeached perjurer and accused serial rapist and sex offender, came to New Hampshire to endorse Maggie Cilley for Governor. Maggie Hassan, the actual object of the endorsement, stood on stage next to the accused rapist, as have almost every New Hampshire Democrat … Read more

Democrat Contradictions – Out Of State Influence in Local Elections

Democrats in New Hampshire take a lot of money from outside the state.  Don’t take my word for it, just go look it up.  Millions and Millions.  They use candidates, campaign committees, so-called non-profits, and even have super wealthy out of state special interest donors making personal donations here and there to move money around the campaign finance camp fire, often right into the state Democrat party coffer, then back out to your local races.

No one should be surprised or even taken aback at this because it is all part of the business of politics, every party does some of this, it is all perfectly legal, and everything was fine up until the point when the New Hampshire Democrat party decided to make it a recurring campaign issue against Republicans.   It wasn’t Democrats who were affected by objects of out of state money and influence, just the Republicans.

Democrats are clearly guilty of hypocrisy on the  issue (no surprise there), but whenever they start a narrative like this it is usually because they are doing something else that might be worse, that they need you to be distracted from.  And guess what?   They were.

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Question of the day…

Let me just get this out of the way?  “Question of the Day…” will not be a daily feature unless someone else on the Grok payroll (which is a lofty sum of $0.00 dollars) bails me out…almost every day.  My follow through is simply not that reliable.  But I liked the sound of it so … Read more

Will NH Democrats Drool At Developments In France?

Francois Hollande Socialist leader of FranceFrance’s golden age passed long ago, and thanks to the French is doomed never to return.

The New Socialist dominant government has set right to work doing something New Hampshire Democrats did (to a lesser extent) when they had complete control of our state government.  Right out of the gate the French Socialists are raising taxes.  But not just any taxes.   €7.2 Billion in one off taxes on wealthy households and big corporations…because the country continues to spend more than its  economy can come up with.  Sound familiar?  Their debt is at 90% of GDP.

What else sounds familiar?  How about wealthy households and corporations leaving France to escape confiscatory taxation?

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GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Questions 9 – 12

And now for the third set of four questions (list of previous questions and their links after the jump) from the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate that was hosted by John Burt, questions asked by Speaker Bill O’Brien and  Alex Talcott , and answered by the Candidates for the Republican nomination for NH Governor, Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.

Question 9:

One of the least known aspects of Obamacare is how it seeks to hijack State finances in order to expand insurance coverage particularly in the area of Medicaid. One area it does this in is doubling income elegibility.  That’s the aspect to bring forward the decision. That’s the aspect and the reason for the Supreme Court decision that it is optional to the States.  Can you tell us whether or not NH should take up that option and expand its population?  As part of your answer, can you tell us where Medicaid is going in NH and how NH is going to finally be able to protect its sovereignty from the Federal Government trying to push us to overspending here in NH?

Question 10:

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Silly Jackie, pledges are for politicians with backbones…and conviction

Using the oh-so-clever “we need to keep an open mind” excuse, former state senator and current Democrat gubernatorial candidate Jackie Cilley has pledged not to pledge to veto any broad-based taxes in New Hampshire, should she ascend to the post in November. Calling them “simplistic”, Cilley declared earlier this year that “I won’t play pledge … Read more

1.8 Million in Democrat Gov Funding For NH …99.51% from Outside The State

DGA NH has 1.8 million for NH Gov Race--, 98% of it from outside New HampshireBragging about how the Democrat Governors Association New Hampshire PAC is sitting on 1.8 Million in June of 2012 does tell us something about our Governors Race.  It tells us that Democrats can’t say anything about out of state campaign money polluting local elections.

Of the 354 pages of donations that make up the $1.79 Million advertised on the June 2012 DGA NHPAC filing I could only find 198 line items listing donors living inside the state of New Hampshire.  That is 0.6% of all donors listed in this report.

Of the nearly $1,790,000.00 collected just under $9,000.00 came from those New Hampshire donors.  That’s 0.49% of all donations. (99.51% from outside donors.)

Can we say with certainty that whomever the Democrats pick for their candidate out of state influence is a given?

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GrokTV Special Interview: Andrew Hemingway, Chair, 4RG

Andrew Hemingway has started a new PAC here in NH called 4RG.  He takes a few minutes to talk with GraniteGrok about its mission (For a Republican Governor) and why the election of either of the two Left wing extremist Progressives, Jackie Cilley or Maggie Hassan, would be a disaster for constitutional governance and limited … Read more

NH Governor race – let’s start talking about it

This November, voters in NH are going to have a stark choice for Governor: On the Left, it will be one of two extremely hard Left, Progressive, “Government-centered society” candidates: Jackie Cilley or Maggie Hassan – both who are trying to “out-Progressive” each other On the Right, it will be either Ovide Lamontagne or Kevin Smith.  … Read more

Cilley Jackie Enters The Governor’s Race

“The problem with political jokes is they get elected.”—Henry Cate

MANCHESTER — Former District 6 Democrat state Senator Jackie Cilley has thrown her hat into the gubernatorial ring for the Granite State’s Corner Office. Joining Maggie “the Marxist” Hassan, she seeks to replace Governor John “Lefty” Lynch who will not seek another term. “Silly” Jackie came to the Manchester YWCA to make her pitch yesterday rolling out the same old tired liberal screed often heard before.   The Union Leader’s Beth LaMontagne-Hall reports, Cilley pledged to, “ensure quality education for all students, protect the environment, fight right-to-work legislation and keep same-sex marriage on the books in New Hampshire.

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