One of the reasons why our Education System is so pathetic is that our children are not being correctly taught our own American history and philosophy. Then they grow up listening and believing whatever the manipulators behind pop culture are seeding throughout our citizens and young ones.
Elite Colleges Show The Impact Of Lifelong Indoctrination
Amazingly, the colleges and universities where you think you would find the brightest thinkers of the next generation of leaders are dens of lemmings. Columbia, Yale, MIT, and Emerson College are some of these schools.
Protect Our Children and Parental Rights
Growing up in China, I never heard of parental rights. Every child in China belongs to the State. After Mao used urban youth Red Guards during his Cultural Revolution, he forced them to be re-educated in the countryside. My uncles were sent hundreds of miles away from home for ten years, and my grandparents had no say.
Anti-Israel Demonstrations Say Much About American Higher Education
Higher education in America has been a misnomer for some time. As tuition rates have outpaced inflation by many times, the quality of education has proportionally fallen. The government has been complicit in the rising cost of a college degree, making student loans easy to get regardless of the amount.
NAEP 2022 US History and Civics Are In: “Revealing Low Confidence in Civics Knowledge”
Often called “The Nation’s Report Card” it measures various subjects like Arts, Civics, Economics, Geography, Mathematics, Reading, Science, US History, and Writing. Given that we are political bloggers here at GraniteGrok, when this came in from the NH Department of Education, I took a look because the title of the email had this: NAEP releases … Read more
“[Teachers] Want Their Activism in the Classroom. They Aren’t Even Hiding It.”
RedState has a post entitled “A Group of Pennsylvania Teachers Prove It Was Always About Indoctrination, Not Education” (reformatted, emphasis mine): Public schools have become a minefield. Sending your kids to one is a gamble as winding up in the wrong classroom could put them into the clutches of an activist posing as a teacher, … Read more
The Plight of the Progressive Teacher
She will stick with her vision, and if her classes get smaller, well, so be it. True believers do not weigh their truth by popularity.
Update: Gabriel Gipe, CS HS Teacher Who Was Indoctrinating Students to Be Socialist Revolutionaries, Paid $190K to Quit???
A sad story where even if we “win”, the other side gets to cash out bigly. In this case, Gabriel Gipe was that case I wrote about just about a year ago from a Project Veritas investigative report where he was OPENLY stating that he now had 180 to turn his students into “revolutionaries” instead … Read more
School District Superintendent’s Gaffe Proves Folks Like Me Were Right for a Long Time.
Once again, this very short clip is short and to the point. Loudon County Public Schools (of COURSE, it HAS to be them again!) Superintendent Dr. Scott A. Ziegler casually lets the wrong word out and with nary a pause in his step, tries to cover it up:
Blogline of the Day – She said the quiet part out loud (e.g., Parents, back off!)
This isn’t the quiet part yet, but sets the stage:
“Meg Tuttle, president of the NEA-NH, the state’s largest teacher’s union, said it is dangerous to let parents get between teachers and students when it comes to talking about sex.”
Got that?
Teacher: ” Whose Your Mommy?” – I’m Your Mommy Now!
I keep seeing things like this all the time popping up in reports from schools in which teachers are demonstrably telling students that their parents hate them – so we will be your parents. We ARE your parents – your biological ones don’t want you anymore. That’s the message teachers are sending kids.
Teaching is Out of Control
Let’s talk about HB1255. This bill does just the opposite of what one writer said about shutting down our kids learning history. HB1255 takes the mind control of our kids away from the teachers.
If Public Schools Are Better They Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Competition
SHOT: Kansas Teacher Unions hate curriculum transparency for Parents (e.g., prevent Parents from being able to access ALL of the materials we use to teach their kids).
Who Is Teaching Your Kids?
Sorry folks – no more just assuming that your childrens’ teachers fit the old stereotype that you had when growing up (or that of your kids’ grandparents).
Video: Mom Eviscerates 2 California Teachers Accused of Coaching Her 12-Year-Old to Change Genders behind Her Back
Lori Caldeira (LGBTQ club sponsor) and Kelly Baraki, both from Buena Vista Middle School, got caught at a conference relating how they were “grooming” kids to adopt their lifestyles (“…How California Teachers Recruit Kids Into LGBTQ Clubs“).
Recording Educators at Work: Is it Time?
In my day, the helping professions such as teaching and policing were generally populated by those realizing satisfaction in helping and protecting others. Like today, however, there were always a few individuals whose personalities were a poor professional fit.
Teacher Resigns Over Equity Curriculum
Another teacher has resigned because she is unwilling to promote the Marxist agenda in her classroom. Jen Tafuto says, “I wanted to become a teacher to share my love of learning, to teach language arts and math, and encourage kindness — but I didn’t sign up to be a revolutionary,”
So Parents – Is This What You Want YOUR Children To Be Learning?
And if this is happening in that city, Sacramento CA, it may well be happening in your towns and cities. Ask your kids, gather information from them, contact other parents – and then go after your School Boards for allowing this to happen.
ICYMI – Utah Teachers 4-Minute Rant about Politics and “Stupid Parents”
If you missed it, a Chemistry teacher in Utah went on an extended rant recorded by students in the class. Here’s a primer: “Most of y’alls parents are dumber than you. I’m going to say that out loud.”
Tyranny, COVID, Genocides, EndlessWar, Conspiracy, Alinsky, Kabul!
So I am reading a fellow Jewish blogger’s blog and his post has several items worth highlighting specifically. And a few other things I’ve seen scattered around. But first, those few selections: