“[Teachers] Want Their Activism in the Classroom. They Aren’t Even Hiding It.” - Granite Grok

“[Teachers] Want Their Activism in the Classroom. They Aren’t Even Hiding It.”

School Teacher Indoctrination

RedState has a post entitled “A Group of Pennsylvania Teachers Prove It Was Always About Indoctrination, Not Education” (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Public schools have become a minefield. Sending your kids to one is a gamble as winding up in the wrong classroom could put them into the clutches of an activist posing as a teacher, and as we’ve seen more and more over the years, these activists are everywhere. These activists can and will take advantage of your child’s naivete and sponge-like absorption of everything around him or her, to put ideas in their head that could harm them for the rest of their life.

While I wouldn’t do something so ridiculous as to label every teacher a bad actor — I know plenty of honest and good ones — the analogy of the jar of M&M’s is fitting here. If you had a jar of 10,000 M&M’s but even just 10 of them were poisoned, would you still eat from the jar? Your life is over, if you choose poorly. In the case of getting the wrong “teacher,” it’s your kid whose life gets destroyed.

And the School Board did the absolute right thing – schools are to be about academic subjects and not political or sexuality activism / indoctrination / turning kids against their Parents:

Recently, the school district of Central Bucks, Pennsylvania, saw the school board ban flags and banners that have political or social importance. This means LGBT flags, Black Lives Matter flags, Antifa banners, and more were not allowed to be displayed in public schools. This is absolutely reasonable, as a teacher’s personal politics should have no bearing on what the students are learning.

A teacher’s job is to concentrate on the academic subjects that we pay them to do – NOT bring their personal beliefs and worldviews on politics and sexuality into the classroom. The best teachers, in this regard, would have their students, at the end of the school year, not able to answer “what is your teacher?”. They shouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what a teacher’s sexuality is.  Nor their political outlook.  All that SHOULD matter is does a teacher have a firm grasp of the basic academics that they are being paid in transferring that knowledge to our children. Teachers should be absolutely neutral in all things – and so should any materials in a classroom or used for instructional purposes.

And what happened afterwards should have the School Board reaching for “pink slips”:

However, teachers from the schools didn’t find this acceptable and decided to protest.

Here they are, marching to be Sexuality Activists instead of teachers and quite proud to be so:

For these teachers, it’s not about education. It’s not about reading, writing, and arithmetic. It’s not about teaching them critical thinking skills. This is about indoctrination, grooming, and strengthening their own political ideals by bringing up the young in them, while they’re away from their parents.

These aren’t teachers–they’re activists–and they have no business teaching our children anything. They clearly can’t be trusted.

Trust. I’ve been trying to speak to my School Board from a Trust position.  How can I trust my child’s Principal when she won’t answer the question of “What is the Transgender Status of my child?” because the School Board has made it mandatory to lie to me (by omission or commission)?  How can I trust my child’s teachers?

I can’t. Nor can I trust the School Board members.

And the “education marketplace” is learning that lesson: homeschooling, pods, online schools, and especially Charter Schools are popping up all over NH BECAUSE teachers, staff, and School Boards have forgotten ONE very important thing: Education is a product and service. It really is a commodity. Government has had a virtual monopoly on providing that since the late 1890s. Thus, they have forgotten one OTHER important thing:

WHO is their real customer? And what do they want that they aren’t getting from Government?

Charter Schools are springing up because they understand how important the real customers are.  Government schools have forgotten that and the process has started of losing market share. This is exemplified when the “head of a Government School District”, the School Board, refuses to answer questions from those customers at meetings, there is a strong and negative message that’s sent to those customers.

The Boards haven’t learned it yet.

They, like the “American Big Three” automakers, have taken their eyes off the car customers and put it on themselves thinking “where else will thautomakersst like the Republican Party does all too automakers

For the auto makers, the answer came swiftly – the Japanese auto makers came in the took their lunch money. It took a couple of decades for the Big Three (then the Big Two) to learn that lesson. Government schools, in a lot of cases, haven’t learned that they are following in the same path.

If you click through to watch the video on Twitter, you can see some of the disparaging remarks flung back at parents who complain that they don’t want activists, they want teachers. Like:

Imagine teaching kids they should be nice to everyone.

Yeah, empathy and inclusivity are terrible qualities to instill in your kids.

SorrPARENTS’ these apologists don’t understand that those things are the PARENTS responsibilities – not schools.  After what I have seen these last few years, I think this from “j.a. midget”  is spot on:

Think this is “all about nothing”?

Some teacher had this as an instructional element of these small childrens’ day:

