If Public Schools Are Better They Shouldn't Be Afraid of Competition - Granite Grok

If Public Schools Are Better They Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Competition

School Teacher Indoctrination

SHOT:  Kansas Teacher Unions hate curriculum transparency for Parents (e.g., prevent Parents from being able to access ALL of the materials we use to teach their kids).


deangelis-olathe-NEA-tweet-392x420 The Sentinel


…“Some teachers unions are now saying the quiet part out loud,” he said. “They don’t want parents to know what their own children are learning in school. This open backlash against transparency demonstrates why families need exit options.”

The Sentinel asked why KNEA and ONEA believe giving parents more information about what their children are being taught is objectionable, and to specify any elements of the transparency legislation they oppose or support.

No response to either inquiry has been received.


CHASER: Parents are raising a digit back at the Teacher Unions


A public opinion poll commissioned by the Sentinel’s owner, Kansas Policy Institute, bears out their extreme frustration.  Parents believe they should have the primary say over how their children are educated, with 88% strongly or somewhat agreeing and only 11% expressing some measure of disagreement.

The majority — 57% — are concerned that their children and grandchildren may be exposed to objectionable subject material, and 75% believe taxpayer-funded accounts should be available to parents if their school district isn’t meeting the academic needs of their children.


ed-survey-table- Kansas Policy Institute


Teachers believe those kids are theirs and have for years. Parents are starting to realize that Academic Rigor has gone out the door and is being replaced by Ideology.

The latter are getting riled up. Just look at the numbers.

The money should follow the child and not the teacher unions. If a child deserves a publicly funded education that’s not just government schools.

Let the latter EARN that money by competing. They say that they are better – let them prove it.


(H/T: The Sentinel)
