Supermajority Votes for Even Higher Health Insurance Costs

Ask people why Vermont is unaffordable, and health insurance is one of the main pillars of our unaffordability crisis, along with education property taxes, the cost of housing, and energy prices. These highly regulated by our legislature plans go up every year by amounts far in excess of inflation. For 2024 alone, the Green Mountain … Read more

Health care nurses doctors walking away Original Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

The Future of Obama Care and America

The insurance company CEO reflected on how Obamacare had delivered everything his industry could have hoped for. The new massive bureaucracy had strengthened his industry’s monopoly on private healthcare dollars.

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I’m From the Government... I’m Here to Help

I’m From the Government…I’m Here to Help

The issue I’m From the Government…I’m Here to Help. A constituent asked Rep. Cynthia Axne of Iowa: Why can’t citizens receive the same health insurance as Congress? The Rep. responded saying she was not satisfied with her Obamacare plan. While in congress she receives her healthcare through Obamacare.  Here’s the exchange: “There’s a lot of talk … Read more

Ann Kuster

Annie Kuster Admits Obamacare is a Failure

by Tom

New Hampshire Congresswoman Annie Kuster was interviewed last week by NHPR.  The first question she was asked was: Health insurance is getting more expensive. More employer plans now have deductibles, which on average are growing. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, premiums are rising three times faster than inflation and twice as fast as wages. … Read more

Maybe You Can’t Keep Your Doctor?

Doctor's leaving parctice because of government regulations

California has always thought of itself as the Earth Mother of cultural fads.  But what about the socialized health care fad?

Remember when Mr. Obama and any Democrat worth their talking points was telling us that with their Health Care Plan we could keep our doctor?  If that were true then why is California planning for a shortage of Doctors because of Obama-Care?  Their population growth is anemic, dropping to about 1% a year, and that includes immigration. (OK. Maybe not illegal immigration.)  So the only reason to need more doctors, or in this case more people with a name tag that says they are a ‘doctor’ is if real doctors are doing the boot scoot boogie away from the new regime?

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It Depends on What The Definition of ‘Affordable’ Is

The Democrat conquest of the Insurance market continues apace as the IRS has just released some more rules for the commoners to live by.   These ‘rules’ include the definition of ‘affordable’ as in “Patient Affordable Care Act,” and as it turns out… Nearly 500,00 children, under Obamacare, will still lack health insurance because many poor … Read more

What Obamacare did for me

…Circulated from Craigs list,  An Obamazombie appears to discover that nothing in life is free and that the government really does not give a damn about the little people.  Democrats just care about their policy agenda regardless of any real world impacts. (Adult language ‘edited’) Visit the posting at to contact the person who … Read more

Obama: Charging A Penalty For Not Buying Insurance Bad…

The Web is brimming with the bitter bile of Obamhypocrsiy today.  (As it is most days).  But today seems particularly special.  First unpatriotic debt, and now The Divine Mr. O reminds us (Circa 2008) that charging people for not buying insurance is mean.  And he’s not mean like that. Except that he is.  (Are you … Read more

Another Summer of Our Health Care Discontent

World Health Organization- organizing for socialized medicineIn all likelihood the US Supreme court will deal a mortal blow to Obama-care, the Patient Affordable Health Care and Socialism for All or Something Act before they go on recess for the summer.  Progressives being who they are, and seeing as this is an election year, will only view this as another opportunity to flog opponents and to pontificate in favor of whatever elements of the ‘plan’ they were told to tell you about the first time around.

But these are details that, as it turns out, were based on an ancient study (2000) by the World Health Organizers in the WHO whose mission it was to make socialized medicine look good.  So it behooves us to gird our loins with the armor of truth; that this major source of all those Health Care talking points is a fraud.

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Sebelius Admits to Obamacare Double tap

Double TapFans of the movie Zombieland might understand the post title right away.  In the movie the lead protagonist, "Columbus" has a set of rules he always follows which he believes are the only reason he is still alive after the world is turned into Zombieland by a mutant strain of Mad Cow disease that turns almost everyone into crazed, flesh eating zombies.

Rule #1 is cardio.   You need to be able to run away from Zombies.

Rule # 31 is Check the back seat.  Always look to see if there is a Zombie in the back of the car before you drive away in it.

Rule # 3, beware of bathrooms.  Zombies seem to be able to sense when you are at your weakest.

Rule #18 Limber up.  Wouldn’t want to come up lame.

And Rule #2?  Double Tap.  It is not a waste of ammo to put another round into the head of a zombie to make sure they are down for the count.

So who stumbles into my metaphor but Obama Zombie and Health and Inhuman Services Minister Kathleen Sebelius.  Note to the left–no, I am not suggesting we double tap her, I am suggesting she and the democrats of the 111th congress–and all your lying or deluded selves included– have double-tapped the Taxpayers.  Sebelius has just admitted to a congressional committee that a huge chunk of money they claimed was going to offset the costs of Obamacare is the legislative-accounting equivalent of a double tap.

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Want Cheap Health Insurance? Support HB 241 – And Hey! It’s Also A Jobs Bill

Iage: HB 241  is a bill everyone needs to pay attention to if for no other reason than that it will piss off some progressives and liberals, and aggravate the behemoths who have monopolized New Hampshire’s health insurance market for years thanks to progressives and liberals like Jeanne Shaheen.

If passed HB241 will allow a willing consumer and willing insurance carrier to contract on mutually agreeable terms for individual or group health insurance which is not subject to regulation by the (state) insurance commissioner, insurance mandates, or administrative consumer protection law.

Put simply, individuals or groups in New Hampshire would be able to buy health insurance from any provider anywhere (that’s anywhere) on whatever terms they can both agree on and the Insurance commissioner cannot stop you.

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