Self-Proclaimed Party of Affordable Care (Democrats) Can't Stop Making it Unaffordable - Granite Grok

Self-Proclaimed Party of Affordable Care (Democrats) Can’t Stop Making it Unaffordable

health care is a right right

The party of women’s (whatever those are) health and everything else has a problem. They have a lot of problems. In fact, everything about them is a problem. But they claim to be about affordable health care and access to care while their policies make the cost of it skyrocket -making it less accessible.

And yes, public health is a cartel on the friends and family money laundering list of the Democrat party, but none of that offsets the actual costs that continue to rise due to “printing” all that money. Dollars that are worth less and drive up the cost of everything, especially health care.

Heating, cooling, and electricity are all more expensive due to deliberate Left-Wing policy and inflation. Those costs are passed down to the cost of care, and while insurance covers some, those same costs affect the physical footprints of insurance companies on top of healthcare operating costs, so guess who gets to pay for that as well? You.

Then there’s the cost of plastic. You can’t make the stuff without petroleum which is much most expensive than it needs to be (also) as a matter of Democrat policy. Plastics, resins, and the lot cost about 52% more today than in January 2020. Hospitals use an insane amount of plastic, accounting for about 10% of their real waste.

The anti-plastic people are giddy about the rising cost and hope it will result in less plastic, but before you go there, with what are you replacing that, and how much more will it cost? We use plastic in place of glass and metal because they cost more. They also – cough, cough – have a higher manufacturing carbon footprint, but we’re not allowed to talk about that.

It’s ixnay on the environmental ostcay of wind, solar, EVs, recycling, or reusable shopping bags. These chapter-and-verse solutions have the climate cult equivalent of papal dispensation. The result is trillions of US dollars to China, the world’s largest polluter, so American progressives pretend they are saving the air and water.

But like everything else, the Left doesn’t care about reality, only perception and power. And they will spare no expense (yours) to prop up the perception that they care about women (whatever those are) or the environment or crime or union workers (they like unions), or the cost of health care.

If they genuinely cared, they’d get the government out of the way, but that doesn’t work for them. The hospital/public health cartel is a critical leg on the stool. Health care, energy, and money. With all three of those, they believe they can control people and their behavior, and that’s what they want. Control. Look at the vaxx mandate/passport schtick if you need recent proof.

They would deny care to those who refuse to do what they demand, even if they are women (whatever those are). It doesn’t get more obvious than that.


