Trump’s Supreme Court List

Vermont Parents Whose Child Was Vaccinated Against Their Wishes File Case at US Supreme Court

Update: Petition for Writ of Certiorari added Grok contributor John Klar is a farmer and a lawyer, and while he spends most of his time defending food and farming he will shortly (assuming they take the case, and I think they will) be arguing for the rights of Vermont parents whose child was given a … Read more

Rung and Murphy Yard sign people over politics

Rosemarie Rung Is About as Anti-Individual Health Care Rights, As You Can Get

For the past few elections, a pair of radical Democrats in my town have been running “together.” They are sign-sharing. Both names, one slogan: vote for us—people over politics (so, not true). That’s already a lie. With rare exceptions, Democrats, especially in New Hampshire, vote as a caucus. They don’t get to decide, and when … Read more

Vermont Supreme Court Denies Re-Hearing of Vaccine Consent Decision

The Vermont Supreme Court has doubled down on its recent decision denying Vermont parents and their children basic constitutional safeguards against unauthorized government infliction of an experimental vaccine on a young public school child. After an ill-considered opinion that shielded schools and vaccines from all state law claims for administering an experimental vaccine to a … Read more

NH Health Freedom DAy

Medical Freedom Day and More Take Action Today

Thursday, February 16th is a vital day in the NH House HHS Committee. RebuildNH is taking action on 6 bills that day. This could be the most critical day of the year for you to attend the hearings in person.

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Money cash

If a $500 Mill Religious Exemption Settlement is a Wake-Up Call to Employers, How About States Like Maine?

Maine passed a law abrogating religious exemptions for childhood immunizations. Passed before the Chinese Flu Plandemic, it became effective in 2021 and has since cut the number of exemption requests in half. We’ve posited that this is an unconstitutional violation, and now we may have some backup.

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Maine Light House screen grab Visit Maine

Maine Prohibited Religious or Philosophical Objections to “Immunization”

So much happens that it is easy to miss things. Like a new Maine law signed in 2019 that removed Religious or Philosophical Objections to “Immunization.” This predated COVID, but after experiencing how the “government” handled that, is anyone else concerned?

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Rebuild NH

Grassroots Activism Brings 15 Liberty Bills to The Governor’s Desk

EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH today celebrates two years of hard effort to restore freedom in the Granite State through volunteer political activism using the tools of participation in government set up by our Founders.

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Woman what the heck Image by Nebraska Department of Education from Pixabay

What the Hell Is the NH Senate Thinking with SB459?

The New Hampshire State Senate has proven once again who owns them. NH Hospitals. They passed SB459, disguised as violence prevention but what it does is take away patient and family rights.

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YAL Logo Young Americans for Liberty

YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition Working Locally and Nationally to Advance Health Freedom Legisaltion

As the pandemic politics wore on, people became aware of how their liberties had been side-stepped, trampled, or erased. Many rose to push back, including here in New Hampshire.

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Life With Liz logo

The March 2020 ‘Grok Invasion of Life With Liz

Skip and I found our way to Nashua yesterday to hang out with Liz Gabert at the WSMN 1590 studios. Lots of topics to cover along with call-in guest Melissa Blasek who talked about wins for health freedom legislation in the NH House.

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State House

So Kids, What Did We Learn From Thursday’s House Session (03/17/22)?

We learned that it is possible to play the National Anthem on bagpipes. This was how our St. Patrick’s Day House session began. What did they say about the bagpipe player after performing the National Anthem?

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NH State House concord-nh-statehouse3-schinella___Patch 27164219673

NH House Passes Three Health Care Freedom Bills

COVID19 was a test, and almost everybody failed. We saw failure from politicians (expected), to Judges (not at all surprising in NH), to public health officials (a bit surprising), to doctors and Hospitals (alarming), and of course “The Media” (do they know how to do anything else?).

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House In Session

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (03/10/22)?

We learned that the “NH State House Traveling Band of Nomads” has finally come back to doing business at the State House in Representative’s Hall – and it was wonderful!

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Mask wall art

Why They Are Still Wearing Masks in Maine.

The CDC changed its mask mandate guidance a few days before a letter to Biden from his Pollster became public. The letter said that mandates were bad for Dems re-election chances and how to spin the abrupt change in tactics.

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Vial Syringe were coming for your babies

FDA Hearing is Not for Another 5 Days and Maine Is Already Preparing to Jab Your Babies

If you missed it, the Bidenistas all but begged Pfizer to request approval to Jab your babies. The FDA has a hearing on that request next Tuesday (2-15-22). And Maine has announced that it is greasing the bureaucratic skids to make sure this can happen the moment the FDA says go!

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Health care nurses doctors walking away Original Photo by Luis Melendez on Unsplash

Maine Does Nothing to Protect Health Care Workers from Termination – Has to Call up National Guard to “Replace” Them

Maine has a public health crisis. Well, it’s a health care worker crisis. A Public-private partnership crisis? Elected officials did nothing to protect unvaccinated health care workers from vaccine discrimination by employers, and now there is a shortage. The governor has ordered the National Guard up to help.

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Rebuild NH

Join us to OPPOSE federal DHHS money and STAND UP for medical freedom

Executive Council Protest – Wed, Sept 29 @ 7:30 AM – We need to send a LOUD message to the Executive Council that we DO NOT WANT federal grants with strings attached and 13 new vaccine propaganda bureaucrats.

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Choice Choices

“Please Do Not Apply If You Have Taken Any Vaccines for COVID-19”?

Keith and Arlene Robinson own a canoe company in Atikokan, Ontario called Souris River Canoes. In a recent job posting, they note that they will not consider candidates who have received The Jab™.

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Chris Sununu

Gov Sununu Signs New Hampshire Law Prohibiting Government Vaccine Mandates or Passports

Friday, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed HB220 an act “relative to medical freedom in immunizations…” The new law states thatEvery person has the natural, essential, and inherent right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion by government to accept an immunization.”

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