What the Hell Is the NH Senate Thinking with SB459?

The New Hampshire State Senate has proven once again who owns them. NH Hospitals. They passed SB459, disguised as violence prevention but what it does is take away patient and family rights.


Bold Italics in the original (this is new text added to statute)

Arrests Without a Warrant. Amend RSA 594:10, I(c) to read as follows:
(c) He or she has probable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a misdemeanor or violation, and, if not immediately arrested, such person will not be apprehended, will destroy or conceal evidence of the offense, [or] will cause further personal injury or damage to property, or while in the care of a medical professional on the premises of a residential care or health care facility, as defined in RSA 151:2, through actual or threatened violence, interfere in the provision of medically necessary health care services.


Do you recall what Press Secretary Jen Psaki recently said was “medically necessary, life-saving healthcare for the kids? Give children sexual reassignment surgery or hormone therapy. Hormone therapy drugs can kill kids, and re-gendering by any means multiplies the odds they’ll try to kill themselves in even the most welcoming communities.

But it’s essential to discuss this in schools before they even know what you are talking about. That’s the regime’s position.

And you might say that’ll never happen here, but it does, has, and will.

What if a school counselor and therapist decide that gender transition is necessary and a doctor agrees, but the parent does not. HB459 could prevent family members from objecting to the opinion of a doctor or hospital on the matter of chemically or surgically castrating a child. Something they might get upset about but that the Bill elevates by allowing for their arrest, removal, and detention – so they can go about whatever is they please.

Advocates will say that’s not what it does, but how do you know? In fact, how can you not know?

Let’s revisit the Hospital Horrors perpetrated under COVID.


In any other era, I wouldn’t think twice about this bill. After all, none of us believe in violence and certainly not directed toward doctors. But where is this bill coming from, and where is it headed, and in what context?

I have been inundated with people in distress after doctors refused to talk to them, threw people on ventilators against scientific rationale, blocked medical records, forcibly confiscated prescriptions and vitamins, and often engaged in medical kidnapping by refusing to release the patient upon his request.

In other cases, they have called child protective services if they feel the parent is not going along with their novel treatment ideas for a minor patient.


Death by Hospital.

Doctors, Nurses, Insurers, Medical and Pharmacy Boards, and Health Care administrators followed and enforced flawed federal guidelines. Proven treatments were ignored or dismissed, and people died.

How about mandatory vaccination? The forced chemical modification of a body without consent is not only a possibility? It is a reality.

The experimental mRNA vaccines continue to be promoted despite Pfizer and the FDA’s documented evidence that they do not work and are dangerous to human beings.

SB459 presents a situation where your objection to any proposed treatment – even experimental drugs – could result in your arrest and removal (so that the experts could then do what they please).

And it’s a hair-trigger. If they feel uncomfortable or threatened, you might be out of there. And by law, they would have to have mitigation measures in place and use them.

In the name of human rights, patient rights, parental rights, family rights, and decency, we must assume the worst, and we’ve already seen it with COVID.

The NH House has to kill this bill. They are our only hope.

No Senate roll calls, by the way. As usual, the “upper chamber” of the NH Legislature doesn’t want anyone to know who is robbing them of their rights.



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