All Aboard the Unicorn Express

by Tom

So, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez finally unveiled the plan she’s been working on since the 5th grade.  Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders couldn’t get it done, so the Leftists are using their new ace-in-the-hole to ride it.  Oh, and with some help from old uncle-knucklehead, Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts.

The Green New Deal is the Democratic Socialists’ vague plan to make America great again (I’ll bet they use that phrase in 10 years after Trump is gone.  After all, Bill Clinton was the first to use it).

This “deal” is simply hardcore Socialism-Communism painted a brand-new color.  More Government control of industry and business, with government making all the decisions, not consumers.  And this is just a stepping-stone to complete (and as always, inept) government control of everything, eliminating free-markets and what remains of Capitalism.

It is officially the next chapter in the obvious transformation of the American Democratic Party into the American Communist Party.

The things we do know about this are:

  • Calls for the U.S. to generate 100% of its electricity from zero-emission sources in 10 years
  • Backs investment in “smart” power grids and zero-emission vehicles, along with the elimination of greenhouse gases and the cleanup of hazardous-waste sites.
  • Totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary, create affordable public transit available to all, with goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.

When questioned about “replacing the combustion-engine vehicle”, Markey was not able to provide specifics, only stating that we will have to “determine” that over the next 10 years.  Good plan.

Even Nancy Pelosi is poo-pooing this debacle.  But don’t be fooled – Nancy surely believes in all this nonsense – she just doesn’t want the upstart chica from “the Bronx” taking the spotlight (and influence) away from her.  After all, there’s money to be made in them ‘thar politics.

So! I propose we start building government-subsidized Unicorn farms.  Every American will get one at the age of 17.  We can ride our private (Government-owned) Unicorns to and from work, to the store, everywhere.  We can have large teams of Unicorns available for national travel, and specially trained and fed Unicorn teams for international travel.  A special Government agency of Smurfs will be instituted to perform the training.

You might ask, “how do Unicorns propel themselves?”  Well, Unicorn farts, of course.  But have no fear – Unicorn farts are environmentally friendly, not like cattle and regular horses.  Unicorns have a built-in mechanism that extracts energy from rainbows, allowing them to produce “rainbow gas” (called Relativisium) out their back-end/exhaust.  It is widely reported by NASA that rainbow gas is the very substance that makes newborn babies smell so good.  In fact, the Green New Deal will make everyone’s head smell like this, bringing a sea-change of good will and peace of Earth, in a predicted magnitude of 4.0 Kumbayas.  Oh, Lord.

Since the Middle Ages, man has been searching, without success, for a source of perpetual motion.  Well now, in 2019, the year of self-righteousness, we finally have it.

If only Leonardo Da Vinci had stopped using logic and turned to emotion and uninformed drama, he may have stumbled upon Relativisium, changing the world forever.

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