Cash money bills

Special Ed Shortfall or Overspending?

Good Morning, Commissioner Edelblut, Senators Abbas and Lang, I am writing to you about the Special Education shortfalls in our state. As an older special needs mom with strong connections to the NH disability community and after reading the following article and getting a message from my Senator, Daryl Abbas, I have some major concerns. … Read more

empty chairs classroom

Fed up with Schools Disrespecting Students and Parents

I must admit that I am fed up and tired of reading about how these schools continue to disrespect students and parents. Also, to the same extent, how women and girls are bullied and abused in competitive athletics. Where are the women who burned their bras in the sixties?   Did you not teach your … Read more

Right to Know

Nashua Alderman Suggest Cutting Budget for Right to Know Requests

Good evening,

My Name is Albert Todd and I live at <redacted> in Nashua. I am writing this message in response to the Nashua Alderman Board that I joined and watched on 4/27/2021.  During this board meeting, many interesting topics were discussed but one struck me as odd and alarming. That is when the Board started discussing a reduction in funding for Right to Know Requests.

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How NOT to Think About School Funding (Part 2)

Previously, I discussed the idea, popular in some quarters, that if a parent withdraws his child from a public school in order to send him to a private school, the parent ought to reimburse the district for lost adequacy funds. Today I’d like to discuss a complementary idea, also popular in some quarters, that if … Read more

Granite Crock: ‘Don’t confuse us with the facts!’

Long ago, a Congressman from my home state gained notoriety when he said, while defending Richard Nixon, ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts.’  I was reminded of this upon reading an article that Steve forwarded to me from the Granite Crock site, which was written to ‘debunk’ something I’d written.

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School funding: Viewing problems as opportunities

Remember that moment when Mulan figures out how to climb the pole?  To do it, she has to change the way she views the two weights.  What seems at first to be a problem (‘How do I carry these weights with me as I climb?’) turns out to be an opportunity (‘I can use these … Read more

moeny from hat

The Magic of Per-Student Cost

Are your state representatives smarter than fifth-graders? Here’s a word problem that even a fifth-grader should be able to solve: A boat ferries passengers across a lake.  Ten people want to ride it together.  The captain says:  It costs me $100 to run the boat, so you’ll have to pay an average of $10 each. … Read more

rabbits and a fox

School funding: What problem are we trying to solve?

There is an old Chinese saying that if you chase two rabbits, both will escape. Before making decisions about what to spend, and how to get the money, and from whom, we have to decide what we’re trying to do:  Educate children?  Provide daycare and other social services to parents?  Create job security for teachers?  … Read more

Dark Money

Next time NH Democrats start yammering about “Dark Money” in campaigns, remember this:

Note the last question below: LEFT’S NON-PROFIT FUNDING LEAD KEEPS GROWING: Michael Watson and Shane Devine of the Capital Research Center (CRC) update through the 2018 campaign the center’s ongoing study comparing charitable funding resources for the Left and Right and finds the former’s advantage continues to expand. “In the 2017–2018 cycle, the 301 groups supported by … Read more

GoGovernMe Uncle Sam, Hat in hand


Recently, Reason published an article based on this analogy: ‘If a Walmart doesn’t reopen, families can take their food stamps elsewhere. If a school doesn’t reopen, families should similarly be able to take their education dollars elsewhere.’

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