What Has Socialism Brought The World?

What Has Socialism Brought The World?

Did you ever stop to think, what has socialism brought the world? All of the Democrat presidential primary candidates are socialists or their policy proposals are. So let’s run through some of the results of socialism.

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Meritocracy… What is it?

In his 1958 novel George Young coined the term meritocracy. Classicists complain about the word because it has two roots. Merit is from Latin and cracy is from Greek. They claim the term is a hound dog in a thoroughbred language. Yeh, yeh, it’s a niggle. The more correct term would be the all Greek … Read more

Lasagna With A Kick….and a Whinny?

This page in history will not be written from the back of a horse, unless of course you are riding a frozen lasagna from Findus, a frozen food manufacturer that has been supplying Britain with lasagna’s made with 100% horsemeat. And while that might be cause for concern to the average frozen-lasagna loving Brit, particularly … Read more

Quotes worthy of note….

“Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute calculates that Greece owes 875 percent of GDP for unfunded liabilities; the United States owes 911 percent, or almost twice as much as France at 549 percent.”  —Mark Steyn Are we broke?

The End of the Beginning of the End

When not caused by war, nations decay slowly and gradually (e.g., modern day France, Italy, Spain, Greece etc.).

Alas, now, it seems ours is no different. Its exceptionalism is dissolving into the ordinary. It’s a choice made by the people. They fore-go liberty and self subjugate themselves under ruling political and administrative classes of which they’ll never be a part.  They’ll never rise to those classes because they’re taught apathy, complacency, and their place since birth.  They are relieved of the burdensome onus of everyday decisions.  Decisions that were proudly made by preceding generations that were not a bother or an onus at all to them.  To them, it was life. Deciding what to do, how to live, and how to be was essential and culminated in traditions, virtues, and mores.

That became too onerous for the generations that followed, they blithely go about taking direction and surrendering thinking and creativity to others in the elite political classes.

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Will NH Democrats Drool At Developments In France?

Francois Hollande Socialist leader of FranceFrance’s golden age passed long ago, and thanks to the French is doomed never to return.

The New Socialist dominant government has set right to work doing something New Hampshire Democrats did (to a lesser extent) when they had complete control of our state government.  Right out of the gate the French Socialists are raising taxes.  But not just any taxes.   €7.2 Billion in one off taxes on wealthy households and big corporations…because the country continues to spend more than its  economy can come up with.  Sound familiar?  Their debt is at 90% of GDP.

What else sounds familiar?  How about wealthy households and corporations leaving France to escape confiscatory taxation?

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