It’s a Global Tea Party! Tax Revolts Worldwide


It’s a Global Tea Party! Tax Revolts Worldwide Chile: Government raised subway fares – riots ensue. Iran: religious dictators triple the price of gas – now mullahs have riots on their bloody hands as well as a crashing economy.

  • Lebanon: An internet tax and some austerity measures have driven Lebanon into crisis mode.
  • Iraq: Government corruption 25% unemployment among college grads and other young people has generated riots.
  • Hong Kong: Residents of Hong Kong object to mainland government plan to extradite them to their turf for trials.
  • France: Long-simmering, often violent, protests over the usual list of government corruption and – the “eco-tax.”

Countries everywhere around the globe are having serious protests against corrupt governments and taxation without representation or jobs. Some of these legitimate protests are also being usurped by left-wing groups and anarchists as well. That is standard procedure for leftist groups.

Still, human nature is easily lured by socialism and communism and once they get a good taste of the two human nature rejects the consequences.

What’s the old saying: “You can always vote in socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.”

In Hong Kong protesters have umbrellas as well as bows and arrows. There are unarmed protests by the thousands in mainland China as well. Have been for years.

Let that be a lesson.


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