Burning Amazon – Brazil Tells the G7 it Doesn’t Want their Damn Money

In another scary fake news piece about the “fragile Amazon,” The Guardian (certainly not of truth) goes all-in on the scaremongering we exposed yesterday. All so they can report that Brazil has refused millions in aid from the G7. Guess why?

A senior Brazilian official has told Emmanuel Macron to take care of “his home and his colonies” as Brazil rejected an offer from G7 countries of $20m (£16m) to help fight fires in the Amazon.

“We appreciate [the offer], but maybe those resources are more relevant to reforest Europe,” Onyx Lorenzoni, the chief of staff to President Jair Bolsonaro, told the G1 news website.

Finger meet eyeball.

Environmentalists are also unhappy – when are they ever happy? They took to their boo-hoo blankies to whine that the G7’s paltry 20 million offered wasn’t enough to address the crisis. And what was Macron going to do when he can’t even stop people from burning down treasured landmarks. They are referring to the Notre Dame Cathedral fire, but that’s hardly the burning issue in France. The Yellow-Vests burned a lot more though not perhaps of any historical value.

The rejection is tied (in part) to a spat between Brazil and M. Macron who has called for globalist meddling over what happens to be a normal annual event in that corner of the world. 

Speaking on French TV on Monday night, Macron reiterated that the Amazon was a global issue and intensified his criticism of Bolsonaro.

“We respect your sovereignty. It’s your country,” Macron said. But the trees in the Amazon are “the lungs of the planet”, he added.

It’s not the lungs of the world. Macron is a pandering political Enviro-idiot. And Brazilian leadership knows this. Rather than buy into the hype they gave him and the G7 (Minus Trump who didn’t attend that part) a big Amazonian middle-finger. Thanks but no thanks.

Good for them. 

Money comes with strings. Sovereignty and is worth more than a handout.

Besides, Macron is the dope who tweeted his recent “concern” with a picture of a different fire he didn’t care about from 2012. They do have these things every year.

Brazil probably knows that as well. And is responding accordingly.

Image: France Burns

| The Guardian.

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