Green “Energy Transition” Spent Two Trillion in 2023 and … Fossil Fuel Use Rises

An electoral reckoning is due, but so is an electrical one. The two are intertwined. A radical movement led primarily by the progressive left insists Americans must spend more to have less. We must electrify everything, they say. We must build enormous Easter Island-like shrines and monuments to appease the sun and wind gods (as it turns out) for nothing.

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The World Refuses to End and Other Misc. Business

On the 2018 Summer Solstice, a climate witch predicted humanity’s doom if “we” did not stop using fossil fuels in the next five years. June 21st, 2024, has come and gone, and while we may still be doomed six years later, it is not because of fossil fuels. The people trying to force us off them are more likely to end us.

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Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will

Vermont has just done something hailed by Climateers as groundbreaking and memorialized by The Week with the headline: ‘Vermont becomes first state to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change.’


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Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Apparently, Vermont is the first state to start forcing companies that sell fossil fuels to contribute to a climate clean-up fund.

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Daily Mail Report Looks Like a “List” of US States You Should Get the Hell Out Of …

Perhaps without intending to, a recent article in the UK Daily Mail reported on a list of states that Real™ Americans need to either take back now or make plans to exit soon!

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Vermont’s Dumb (and Unconstitutional) Bill to Fine Big Oil for “Emissions”

The confidence artists doing business as Vermont’s Democratic majority legislature have crafted a bill it thinks will make Big Oil pay for environmental damage which it claims is the result of years of detrimental emissions.

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ICYMI – Why Food Is About To Get Very Expensive

Americans are witnessing frighteningly high rates of inflation—gasoline prices have increased by 10 cents a day lately, it seems. Interest rates are rising and set to continue shooting up, compounding home affordability hampered by a seismic spike in home and land prices.

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Oil rig oil and gas fossil fuel

Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels

In 1964, Leonard Read wrote a genealogy from the perspective of a pencil, demonstrating the vast, complicated web of the structure of production that is handled by the division of labor on free markets. The pencil explained that no one knows how to make a pencil because of the myriad production processes involved: My family tree begins … Read more

Stranded Tesla charging with Gas generator

If Biden Bans Gas Powered Generators How Will they Rescue Stranded EVs?

Not one to sit on their hands, the Dems – when in control – reach for everything and anything they can grasp, and with climate policy a priority, they’ve attempted to regulate everything they can’t ban outright, and now they are coming for your gas-powered generators.

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America Is Asking China to Tackle their Climate Change Emissions.

Beijing has told our leadership: Nope, we don’t want to. But thanks for asking. Our Climate Envoy, John Kerry, arrived in China last Sunday.  The purpose of his trip is to ask China to redouble its efforts on climate change emissions.

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Open pit mining

(Not So) ‘Green’ Full-Spectrum Dominance

This is as good a time as any to discuss the unholy alliance to advance the Green New Deal between “capitalist titans” and green Marxists  — an incredibly anti-free-market anti-business agenda that is using what appears to be military dominance tactics to achieve escape velocity.

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A Fake Energy Crisis?

It’s been claimed that: “No power source is more dangerous to life and the environment than burning fossil fuels”.  Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  Such evidence hasn’t been provided. Would returning to burning wood, peat, dung, whale oil, and animal fat be safer?  No. Honest evaluations consider minuses AND benefits.  If we only considered minuses, … Read more

razor-blade-Image by günter from Pixabay

Who Would Put Razor Blades on Gas Pump Handles, I Wonder …

This is a story out of North Carolina, but you might as well assume the same types of idiots might try it where you live. Odds are good you’ve got idiots living among you wherever you are, and by that, I mean eco-terrorists.

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Classic car headlight original Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Fossil Free World is Folly

The idea of being out of “gas-guzzling” cars and trucks and into battery-operated vehicles by 2035 is foolish enough. The thought that our military can be carbon neutral at the same time is not only folly but is so dangerous to our national security that whoever utters such foolishness should be charged with treason. That … Read more

I did that sticcker screen grab

Biden Bangs the War Drums on Indians

Joe Biden is the President that was to unify all Americans. It did not matter the color of your skin or the balance of your 401k, Joe wanted to be the man in your corner. Well, Joe is a flat-out fraud.

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Becca Balint website

Hey, This Democrat Nit-Wit Sounds Just like Former NH State Rep Cynthia Chase (as in “Let’s Make Life Harder for Our Residents!”)

Ok, perhaps a bit of a stretch, but stick with me here.  NH State Rep Cynthia Chase’s utterances concerning the Free State Project movers to NH (below)  made it up to the Rush Limbaugh show years ago when Steve wrote about her.  This video clip isn’t the Democrat herself but her Republican rival simply quoting/commenting … Read more

snow ice cold original Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper?

For years we have been writing about how energy policy in New Hampshire and New England was on a crash course with a cold hard reality. This might be the first winter where that is less theory and more truth, and we’re not happy about the “I told you so.”

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Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

Governor Groomer Is A Congenital Liar

I grow more and more bewildered and exasperated that anybody can still support Governor Groomer, a/k/a Sun-King Sununu, as he continues to LIE. A recent post by Cornerstone Action discussed Governor Groomer’s LIES about supporting certain pro-life policies:

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Electric car charging

Your Electric Car Runs on Coal

I assume that in New Hampshire, your electric car runs on natural gas (see below). Either way, wouldn’t it be progressive to close all the charging stations in order to reduce the demand for electricity, which should reduce the cost of electricity for working people?

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Australia map joey-csunyo-2EGuIR00UTk-unsplash

Australia Joins Germany – Admits it Needs Fossil Fuels

Germany is over a barrel thanks to its dependence on green energy, and Russia neither being reliable nor capable of delivering without consequence. So, they’ve had to commit to burning more coal. Australia, another fool on a green hill covered with wind turbines, has announced they too need fossil fuels.

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