
Quick Thought – Republican “packing” or Democrat “packing” – which is worse?

With the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the Democrats have threatened, like FDR did, to “pack the Court” by adding new Justices if Trump and the Republicans ram through a replacement for RBG as soon as possible. Governor Sununu, as Grokster Doris pointed out (In Emergency Order #69, Sununu Packs the Public Health … Read more

Trump hugging American flag FI

Voting Democrat means voting to destroy our great country

This is in response to the letter recently printed in The Sun by Richard Davis. How someone can live to be 84 and be so misinformed about the issues is incredible to me. Seems that CNN and MSNBC have done their job. Mr. Davis mentions FDR, the president who did not so much end the Depression as prolong it in an attempt to have more people dependent on government.

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George Washington Statue in portland

Attacking Washington

Today, some of the men who founded our country are under attack. George Washington’s skill, character, and leadership were widely acknowledged by his peers. So much so the Continental Congress selected him unanimously to lead the Continental Army.

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FDR Stole Two-Thirds Of Americans' Savings

FDR Stole Two-Thirds of Americans’ Savings

Remember when FDR stole two-thirds of Americans’ savings? No, of course you don’t. It happened 87 years ago. The last time that populism existed as a major force in the world was in the 1930s. What we’re experiencing today is similar to what happened in the 1930s in many ways.

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the Black Constituency

Why Is the Black Constituency So Hard Core Democrat?

Academia and the media are involved in peddling a narrative. Black America has bought the narrative they are pushing lock, stock, and barrel. The narrative is: Once upon a time, a long, long time ago the GOP used to be the party of black America. The Democrat Party was the racist party.

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Part of the Problem

The result each time is more government, more debt, less freedom

We have replayed this time and again… and time and again. First, the government causes a problem. Next. they declare the problem they are the cause of, a crisis. Then, the government raises taxes and usurps more of our freedom. The government then bills itself as the solution.

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Man is not free unless govt is limited - Reagan

Notable Quote – Robert Higg

The most important legacy of the New Deal, however, is a certain system of belief, the now-dominant ideology of the mixed economy, which holds that the government is an immensely useful means for achieving one’s private aspirations and that one’s resort to this reservoir of potentially appropriable benefits is perfectly legitimate. To take – indirectly … Read more

FDR Wheelchair

FDR, Collusion, and Impeachment

In 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt sought an unprecedented third term as President. But while his first two elections were landslides, the political landscape had changed. Americans were inherently troubled by the notion of an entitled presidency and a measure of “Roosevelt fatigue” set in.

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The Left’s War on Climate Escalates: Say Hello to the New Greener New Deal

Bernie and his socialist idiot-savant Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex are declaring war on your indifference to their narrative on global warming. It’s so bad they’ve decided to declare War!

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AOC on MSNBC about FDR

AOC: Congress Amended the Constitution To Keep FDR from Getting Re-Elected

FDR died in Office in 1945, but according to Left-Wing genius, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex Congress stepped in and changed the constitution to prevent him from being reelected to a fourth term. While plenty of Dead Democrats have voted, and there may even be dead Democrats who have been elected or re-elected to an office (by dead Democrats?), … Read more

Boston University has failed Miserably

By Jim Johnson

Alexandria Ocasio-Ortiz (Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics and international relations from Boston University):

What we had was an existential threat in the context of a war. We had a direct existential threat with another nation, this time it was Nazi Germany, and the Axis, who explicitly made the United States as an enemy, as an enemy.


Wrong, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt proclaimed:

“Yesterday, December seventh, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan”. The U.S. declared war on Japan December 8, 1941. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Japan’s Axis partners declared war on the U.S December 11,1941.

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IRS As Political Hammer, Not the First Time, Nor the Last, Unless…

Sometimes blogging is about creative commentary and piquing the other side while, hopefully, providing a different perspective. Other times, it’s just about spreading information. This is one of those times. I initially dressed this up with all sorts of semi-wittiness (heavy on the “semi”) reminiscent of a tired comic strip, but the length of the blog was inordinately long, so I trimmed it down, but if it’s still too long, I urge you to at least read the brief IRS history of abuse further below.

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