Mental Health’s DSM: Science or Scientology?

The term “mental illness” has gained near-ubiquitous status in our daily lives.  Once a rarity among friends and relatives today it seems those without a mental illness are in the minority.  Among the flagship mental illnesses are depression, ADD/ADHD, and gender dysphoria.

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Louis XIV, King of France, also known as the Sun King, reputedly said, I AM THE STATE.

Chris Sununu, Governor of New Hampshire, said when asked to stop infringing our constitutional rights under the pretext of fighting coronavirus, I AM THE CONSTITUTION.

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Mike Pence

Hey Mike Pence … Shut Up, Go Away, Far Away, and Don’t Come Back

So … our FORMER Vice President … and last legitimately elected Vice President, although he would vehemently disagree with that … was in town to do what GOP-Establishment does best … TALK a big game. Pence was the featured speaker at the annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner hosted by the Hillsborough County Republicans in Manchester. “After … Read more

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