From the Book of Fau Ci – “It Is Bad Precedent” to Allow Courts to Block Mask Mandates

The living prophet Fau Ci (peace be upon him) has spoken again in the name of the Public Health and the primacy of the Bureaucratic State. Courts, he says, should not be override proclamations by the Centers for Disease Control.


Fauci said he was “surprised and disappointed” that a federal judge intervened and said mask mandates are the purview of the CDC.

“This is a CDC issue, it should not have been a court issue,” Fauci said. “We are concerned about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally public health decisions.”

“That’s no place for the courts to do that,” Fauci said.


This is the answer we expect from a career public servant. To borrow from her eminence, goddess of greenness and light, Greta Thunberg, how dare you. How dare the courts meddle in matters of public health.


“This is a public health decision and I think it’s a bad precedent when decisions about public health issues are made by people, by judges what have you, by people that don’t have experience or expertise in public health and I believe this should remain a CDC decision,” Fauci said.


The Fau Ci has forgotten that the America that made him rich has something called checks and balances. It’s supposed to have those. And had Jefferson known, perhaps he would have written the Danbury Baptists about the separation of Public Health and State. Which might have inspired The Fau Ci to choose another path in public service.

Public service?

The Fau Ci thinks such things are inverted from our understanding. Public service means the public will service his needs and demands, and no court should intervene.

But is it reasonable to suggest that according to the Fau Ci acts of so-called representative government that give him or his more power are to be applauded? Should they be enthusiastic when the courts uphold bureaucratic demands or mandates by the likes of the CDC or the Fau Ci himself?

I expect this is true. Courts are, in The Fau Ci, bureaucrats themselves. Stamping orders as approved when it pleases The Fau Ci and disapproved when they do not.

A deference to a corporatist public health oligarchy, perhaps with himself as its tiny patron saint.

Fauciism could be a form of syndicalism where union action is replaced with the will of the public health industrial complex. Instead of strikes or revolutionary violence (though still an essential option coming from the left should people dare to question), we’d have mandated interventions (pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical) that would define employment, access, and even life as we know it.

Harms that undermine Fauciism are dismissed as conspiracy, while benefits no one ever experiences are promises, like religious redemption. After the twenty-third booster Zi rose from the grave and ascended bodily to heaven.

And courts? They exist to affirm the will of the state and its dogma at the expense of all else.

According to The Fau Ci.

A world just a few heartbeats away from where we are now. The world they want and the one we must oppose.



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