CDC More or Less Admits that Cloth Masks Don’t Do Sh!t! (Against the Wuhan Lab-Generated Virus)

by Steve MacDonald

Every time I hear the word masks, I repeat it in my head with Antony Fauci’s voice and that strange lifelong smokers-lilt of his. Masks. Masks are as useless as The Fauci against the virus and only slightly less dangerous.

I won’t revisit all the research, pre-print, peer-reviewed, or others in this post, but there’s a lot of it. We’ve shared a truckload of data on masks, of all sorts.

And yes, I know the “other side” has something passing for research to contradict that, but here’s the thing. In science, the research that proves the theory is never more important than that which disproves it.

But COVID Cultists and their Karen warrior caste are so giddy to act as citizen enforcers for refuted research sold as “science” that if Fuaci jumped off a bridge, they’d follow him. The deceleration-related side effects are – after all – a conspiracy theory that the Fact Checkers at Lead Stories have debunked.

So, masks? The CDC. Let’s start with a victory lap for Dr. Paul, the Senator from Kentucky.



The complete and correct description of what has happened is that “Some masks and respirators offer higher levels of protection than others.” That “A respirator has better filtration, and if worn properly the whole time it is in use, can provide a higher level of protection than a cloth or procedural mask.” And “Loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection.”

You can read the whole thing, but the gist is this. We said you could use them because we didn’t want to leave you out of the dance but be honest, they are useless, but we can’t just say that.

The new popular blonde is KN95 and N95 masks, and I didn’t look, but I bet the DC medical minions have invested in the companies that make them. That seems to be the pattern. Propose something that does nothing or makes matters worse but enriches a small clique of connected insiders sold as a public health imperative.

You can still virtue signal with the cloth mask, but given the new (for lack of a better word) guidance the COVID Cultists and their Karen warrior caste at your place of employment, entertainment venue, restaurant, or grocery store – where such things are required – will be on patrol and ready to ruin your day.

As the Z Man notes at Taki’s Mag,


Covid has now allowed virtual madness to leave the matrix and invade the physical space. Everywhere you turn when out in public, you are reminded that there are many people with a tenuous grip on their sanity. For going on two years, the harridan with a mask has been stalking the public square, hunting the barefaced like she is rooting out the agents of Old Scratch.

The ceremonial face covering has become the mark of the beast. Everywhere you go there are people wearing a mask, often multiple masks. Talk to one of them and you quickly learn that they are not motivated by bad information. Instead, the masks and the other performative gestures are emotional support items. Instead of carrying a plush toy around for support, they are performing Covid rituals.


The CDC massaging the meaning will not affect these people. This evolution will be described as science—the act of responding in the real world to clinical evidence.

You mean the scientific evidence we’ve been sharing for almost two years that y’all called junk science and conspiracy theories from anti-vaxxers and people who wanted grandma to die.

If you wore the cloth mask and grandma still died, how does the CDC admitting we were right make us wrong?

As will most of the “science” we’ve been sharing for two years, and as I’ve said myself numerous times, the problem for the ‘Experts’ is not that they were the knuckledraggers with tunnel vision. It is how to migrate the narrative toward the truth without losing the COVID Cultists and the Karen warrior class.

You are soldiers in the army in the People’s Republic of Amerika. And while they could care less if you drop dead from COVID or economic or energy policy, as long as you are alive, you can help them complete the journey to the dark side.

The CDC’s carefully updated guidance is their way of getting you used to the idea that we were right without having to admit it.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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