Mike Pence Says … No Place In The GOP For Those Who Oppose Forever-Wars

by Ed Mosca

Mike Pence … you remember him, don’t you? The guy who gave Fauci and Birx the keys to the car and then did absolutely nothing as they drove the car off the cliff … is all about Ukraine. Check out his twitter feed. Pence has no doubt … NONE … that Hitler Putin intends to drive his Panzers T-90s all the way to the Atlantic!

Pence is as ignorant and wrong about Ukraine/Zelensky as he was about COVID/Fauci-Birx. But there is one thing we agree on. There is no place in the GOP for those who oppose forever-wars, if some Establishment hack like Pence or Haley wins the nomination. So I will write in RFK, Jr. if somehow Pence or Haley or some other oleaginous Establishment hack is the nominee.


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