If The “Vaccinated” Refuse the Booster – How Long Until They Are No Longer “Vaccinated”?

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice? Is that where we are on the matter of ‘Public Health™’ in America? The new normal is not something we can realize after we all get The Jab™. The new normal is The Jab™, wherever and whenever they say.

In Jab We Trust!

And not just The Jab.

The state is now the purveyor of post-pandemic public health prudence. Once a cardinal virtue, it is now a state creed. Thou shalt get The Jab. They are painting it on the side of Mr. Jones’ barn as we watch – assuming you’ve been vaccinated or tested negative in the last 24-hours and are wearing a mask and social distancing or are a member of the recognized party elite.

You can watch it live.

The rest of you, off to that separate room for you with a big screen, and don’t be distracted by the “spray heads” on the walls. That’s just where the gas comes out as you look at the video presentation they’ve “prepared” for you because you’re not one of them, and you’re not one of us.

If it sounds extreme, that would be because it is, and that’s the path upon which we’ve been set.

And there’s no voiceover of the potential risks or warnings, and not just from the pharmaceutical product.

May cause discomfort at the injection site, illness, injury, incapacitation, bullying, joblessness, discharge from the military, arrest, incarceration, tyranny, and possibly death.

But it may not do anything medically meaningful.

Take two of these, and you’ll get another in a few months. No, it’s still with you; it just needs a little help. And it might change your immune system forever in ways that no one guessed, but we can’t do that science because people might say no. And that’s not what we meant when we said “just say no” to drugs or “no means no.” This is different.

And the vaccinated are officially unvaccinated.

Think about that. You stepped up like a good little citizen and played vaccine roulette with the most deadly immunization in US history. It’s killed more people than all other vaccines combined over the past few decades. All because they promised you it was the golden ticket to the Back to Normal Factory.

You go it, but you can still catch COVID and spread it. The vaccine unflattens the curve. And you might even end up in the hospital or dead. The solution to this, according to them, is another shot of the same.

And what if you resist that? Two is enough, no, three, maybe it’s five. Oh, and your job may depend on it!

Now that you’ve opened this door, what’s to stop them from prohibiting your access to what’s left of their twisted version of the new normal.

What if you decide you’re vaccinated enough and say no to a booster, be it booster one, or five, or eleven, or twenty?

You’re trapped in their public health version of the Matrix. A place where the feeling that there’s something more is just out of reach because the masters of your new world are using you to stay in power.

You laugh, but the booster is upon us, and it’s all the rage.

Until the next one, or the one after that, and at what point will you say enough, and will it be before it’s too late?

It’s not too late yet, but you, the vaccinated, are about to become unvaccinated, and you’ve only yourselves to blame if they get away with it again.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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