NH Dem Praises Repub AG for lobbying for Transgender Sports DOK

Say NO to the Woke NH DOJ – Keep Girls Sports for Real Girls

A Petition to Protect Fairness and Dignity for Women and Girls  To the legislature of New Hampshire; New Hampshire is a centrist state. Yet, on gender issues, our state Department of Justice has the views of the DOJ of California. For years, the New Hampshire DOJ has vigorously advocated for the forced inclusion of … Read more

What Was Hunter Biden Doing in China?

What Was Hunter Biden Doing in China?

What Was Hunter Biden Doing in China? Heck, I don’t know the answer to the question. Given he is under investigation for his actions perhaps we will know someday. Hunter is Joe Biden’s son. Joe took Hunter to China on the plane with him.

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Refuse to Certify

Refuse to Certify … Napoleon was Right

We must refuse to certify this election until we can be sure our process is materially free from fraud. Americans are particularly sensitive to fairness.  Fairness is a pretty fluid standard. We all know it when we see it. But getting people to agree on a definition is very difficult.

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California or Bust… and go broke

California or Bust … and Go Broke

California or Bust … and Go Broke. The Okies had it pretty much right. Today in the Golden State, 341,000 state and local government employees earn more than $100,000 in salary or pension payments. The statistics in this post come from OpenTheBooks.com and their article in RealClear Politics. Don’t worry; the HEROES Act will bail … Read more

The Principles of Taxation

The Principles of Taxation

What are the principles of taxation we should follow? It’s our system we should have a voice, right? Come let us reason together. An appropriate tax system is one raising revenue only the core functions of government require. The fundamental principles of our neutral and effective tax system are: Simplicity: The tax code should be … Read more

Impeachment Response

Impeachment Response

Our elected representatives, Shaheen, Kuster, and Pappas behave as they do for three reasons. They love power. They like the sound of their own voices. And the GOP lets them get away with it.

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Chris Pappas What Have You Done?

Congressman Chris Pappas, What Have You Done?

Most of us back home have come to see the federal government as dysfunctional. More than a few of us have used the word abusive in talking about the government? Congress is utterly unable to balance the budget. In fact, we have not actually had a budget for 23 years. And Chris Pappas is part of that failure.

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The Fair Shares Act

We frequently hear about how each of us should pay or receive ‘our fair share’ of taxes.  Whether that’s the state Department of Labor claiming to ‘ensure the NH businesses pay their fair share’, or the federal Census Bureau arguing that it ‘helps each community get its fair share’ of tax funds, or some other example of lobbying of the government, by the government, for the government, we see this phrase again and again.

But I think it’s time to add an ‘s’ to it, and start talking about ‘our fair shares’ instead of ‘our fair share’.

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comrade volinsky


In the movie Idiocracy, people in the future experience massive crop failures.  Why?  Because the government has convinced farmers that ‘electrolytes are what plants crave’, so farmers start watering their fields with the sports drink Brawndo (which is basically Gatorade).

I couldn’t help thinking of this the other day when someone forwarded me the latest email blast from Comrade Volinsky, who is running something called the School Funding Fairness Project.

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Prager U: New York Students want Free College For All

Embarrassing questions with ridiculous answers – until almost the very last student being question: That last student?  Yeah, college math – not so much. Even below “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez standard” – that MUST take a lot of college courses to reach that level. (H/T: The Blaze)

From One Socialist to Another

The issue Even after the release of the Mueller report’s findings, 84% of Democrats remain unpersuaded. So why investigate something if we are not going to accept the results of the investigation? Why spend tens of millions of dollars, and waste two years of 60 people’s lives if we are not going to accept the … Read more

Daddy, What are taxes for?

Function: The proper function of taxation is to raise money for core functions of government. It is not the function of taxes to direct the behavior of citizens. Closing the budget gaps created by overspending too is a misuse of taxation. This is true regardless of the size or level of government. Taxation always imposes … Read more

Education Funding? You’re all concentrating on the wrong thing (Parts 1 & 2)

“Taxpayers should be funding public benefits and not private enrichment. At the Northwood Community Center, Ian Underwood gave a presentation on educational funding that basically told the audience that we were thinking about the wrong thing. Much of the debate in NH (and elsewhere) always has money at the forefront – instead, we ought to … Read more

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