The Fair Share Surcharge

I recently saw a receipt from a restaurant in Los Angeles, which included a 4% surcharge labeled ‘Healthy LA’.  Presumably, it is supposed to pay for health care and other benefits for restaurant workers.

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Democrat talk Demonizes the Rich but their Actions Hurt Everyone Else

Middle income and poor Americans always suffer when Democrats talk about making the rich pay their “fair share”.

Biden’s destruction of our energy independence doesn’t hurt billionaires or millionaires.  The rest of us suffer from higher prices for gasoline, heat, food, and other essential goods.

The Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” bill increases our business taxes and regulations above China’s;

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.

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Data Point – So, how high does it have to go so that “the rich will pay their fair share”?

That’s all we hear from the Democrats – the rich don’t pay their fair share. The rich don’t pay their fair share. The rich don’t pay their fair share. Shampoo, rinse, repeat ad nauseum.

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Since newly elected US Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Ortez (Democrat Socialist-NY) wants to raise income taxes to 70 or 80%

How fast would these 1%-er “The rich” actors become Conservatives when the Democrat Socialist Utopian Government demands that they “pay their fair share” using a Socialist AOC’s definition, eh? (H/T: Powerline)  

What IS that Fair Share, Democrat Socalists?

How much does your pound of flesh actually weigh?  Do you view the successful as sovereign citizens – or subjects to be punished because no one should ever be THAT successful (perhaps, because you think they stole it) ?

Obama is crowing “I got Republicans to raise taxes on the wealthy” – thus, fulfilling a campaign promise to make our income tax system even MORE Progressive (philosophically and financially); it’s bite in punishing those that have been successful far exceeds any in the developed world (including the real socialist European democracies that Obama is hellbent in turning us into).  So, what does CongressWacko Maxine Waters (who wants to nationalize oil companies) think about the tax hikes?  Are the rich now paying their Fair Share?


WATERS: Well, you know, the Republicans are talking about, what all they’re going to do with these tax cuts. The president has said we cannot cut our way out of a deficit and he’s absolutely correct. The first thing that we’ve got to do is look at where we still have unfairness in the tax system and make sure that the people of influence, the billionaires and the millionaires and the corporate interests are paying their fair share. And I believe that whether we’re talking about the financial speculation tax or the elimination of the carried interest or defense spending, we’ve got areas that we could look at to get fair share so that we’re able to take care of the basic needs of this country rather than going to Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security and focusing on those areas as the only place that we can get more revenue.

Yet, what do the new tax tables actually show?

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Obama couldn’t avoid his record … or What went down Chris Mathews’s leg?

That wasn’t a tingle going down Chris Matthews’s leg during the Presidential debate. Apparently four years of media worship, avoiding meaningful questions, and reliance on teleprompters are not great debate preparation. Consequently, the Obama campaign failed to set expectations low enough for President Obama.

President Obama must have expected to be able to keep the debate about his (four year old) promises for the future and debunked lies about Romney’s plans. He failed; he couldn’t keep the debate away from his own failed record.

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What About Unions Paying “Their” Fair Share

The left and the unions are obsessed with big corporations and the rich paying ‘Their fair Share,” but when are the great big unions, who can expend billions (4.4 billion from 2006-2011) on political campaigns, (but pay no taxes) going to start paying their fair share? Labor unions are nonprofits, and they rake in millions … Read more

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