That’s all we hear from the Democrats – the rich don’t pay their fair share. The rich don’t pay their fair share. The rich don’t pay their fair share. Shampoo, rinse, repeat ad nauseum.
That’s why NH Democrats want both income and sales taxes as they hate the idea that a “rich” person can “sneak out” of paying high taxes by buying a smaller home than they can afford.
And only Democrats are able to determine what is fair. In fact, because I like pointing this out all the time, the rich ALREADY pay their fair share but it is Democrats who are CONSUMED by “money envy.” It’s almost an automatic reflex with them – see someone richer than them and the meme lightbulb automatically trips on: “how can I take it away?!?!?!?!?!”.
Especially Elizabeth “You didn’t build that!” Warren:
Uhhh, those "rich" are already part of the "we" and we already have a progressive tax system. No idea what she is claiming here.
— Fishy Catfish (@CatfishFishy) November 29, 2019
And remember, even the poor amongst we Americans are rich enough to be in the top 1% when considered at a global level. Why else do all these other countries keep holding “climate change” conferences in exotic places in which they must use expensive private planes spewing more CO2 than my family would use in a lifetime?
In this, Democrats are all in with this: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
That would be Karl Marx.