Race relations

Economic Recovery is slow, Susan Page?

by Skip

That was one of the “issues” that Susan Page (USA Today), the moderator of the VP Debate between VP Pence and Kamala Harris, had on her plate. Problem is, well, you’ll see: SHOT: “Vice President Pence, your administration has been predicting a rapid and robust recovery, but the latest economic reports suggest that is not … Read more

Even Winston Smith may lose his job

  While I hate using Wikileaks as an information source, they got this one pretty much right.  In the novel and, later, the movie “1984”, “Winston Smith works as a clerk in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current … Read more

Just Be A Good Person

Just Be A Good Person

Just Be A Good Person University, November recent year: hundreds of students rise up to protest the white privilege and micro aggressions of the “racist,” “bigoted” administration. The protestors don’t offer any specific examples of discrimination. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is that they feel victimized. Dog poop The next day, a bag of … Read more

When Does Prosecution Become Persecution?

Fox News reports Rep Nadler of NY claims the only reason Trump was not indicted was he was a sitting president. Nadler references a specific exchange between Mueller and Rep. Ted Lieu of California as his support. “He told us in a remarkable exchange with Mr. Lieu that but for the Department of Justice policy … Read more

Democrats Are Black Lives Matter.

Mueller Plus Nadler Equals Zero

BS by any other name smells just the same The charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election was a lie. The president’s description of it as a “witch hunt” was accurate. Despite the fact the Mueller Special Counsel Report found no actionable evidence; … Read more

Shannon McGinley Cornerstone Action

Why the Facts Don’t Matter

by Shannon McGinley As the head of a nonprofit known for taking principled stands, I believe the truth is important. Foundational to our organization is the belief an informed electorate is critical to our republic. So, before taking a stand or sharing information, we also do our homework to make sure we know what we’re … Read more

“Actors Cold Read Facts on FEMINISM Off of a Teleprompter”

by Skip

Things generally aren’t always cracked up for the Left when facts enter into the equation: “Near the conclusion of the video, another of the actresses, apparently feeling duped, says, “I thought this was like, feminism. … I’m realizing what this is now.”” (H/T: The Blaze)

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