NH’s COVID Cult Opens Its Own Propaganda Site – Healthy 603 Coalition.org

There’s a new COVID resource in New Hampshire. It’s called the Healthy 603 Coalition (.org). Its sponsors are a laundry list of Hospitals on the take with a smattering of water carriers, so yes, my BS meter is pinging.

The top of the Home page, above the fold, reads, ‘Tell Your State Legislators to work toward a healthier, safer New Hampshire (and a petition) which mirrors their so-called mission.


The Healthy 603 Coalition is a non-partisan group of Granite State small business leaders, health care professionals, advocates and activists. All with the common goal of providing fair and accurate information to help create a healthier, safer New Hampshire.


That sounds like a noble notion, except it’s not. The correct description would be cherry-picking information we feel we can provide accurately. For example. The Myth vs. Fact page.

They have four myths they fact check. Do the vaccines contain controversial substances, do they change your DNA, were they rushed and therefore unsafe and ineffective, and do they give you COVID19. That’s it.

That’s not terribly bold. I’d like to see your fact checks on a few of these.

  • The COVID19 vaccine has killed more people than any other vaccine in modern history.
  • There is a credible link to COVID19 vaccines and the increased risk of heart attack and death.
  • According to Government data, 40,000 Americans have been permanently disabled by the COVID 19 Vaccine.
  • Close to 99% (or more) of people who get COVID survive – many without any treatment.
  • The data suggest that children were never a vector until after being vaccinated.
  • The vaccine has killed more kids than the virus.
  • Did any of our partners deliberately dissuade patients or the public from using safe prophylaxis (like Hydroxychlorquine or Ivermectin)?
  • Did any of our partners deliberately dissuade patients from using a viable treatment that might have kept them out of a Hospital or ICU bed?
  • How many patients did hospitals kill by following the CDC’s bizarre recommendations to do next to nothing until they needed an ICU bed?

That’s my shortlist. Very short but I think it makes the point.

Feel free to add to this in the comments. There are dozens more that deserve their fact check.

So, have they got the integrity to address any of them, and if so, honestly? I doubt it.

One more point. Most of the players on their about us page are stakeholders in the money laundering scheme. Before you take any one of them at their word, they should disclose how much they have received from the government and/or in reimbursements for tests, vaccinations, and any COVID-related diagnosis or treatments.

You know, for the sake of healthy transparency about your potential motives.


HT | Julie on MeWe


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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