“Eversource balks at state law ordering it to buy wood power”

by Skip

“The battle over biomass is far from over. Eversource now says it will not purchase power from the state’s wood-burning power plants despite a state law requiring such purchases, unless it is ordered to do so by the Public Utilities Commission. The decision by the state’s largest utility, revealed in a Dec. 4 filing with the PUC, … Read more

Quick Thought – Electrical deregulation in NH isn’t that

by Skip

Customers who buy energy through Eversource should expect to see lower energy prices by Eversource buying power at a lower price in the wholesale electric market, Eversource said last October when the deals were announced. An affiliate of Hull Street Energy now owns the hydroelectric stations: Amoskeag Hydro in Manchester, Ayers Island Hydro in Bristol, Canaan Hydro in West Stewartstown, Eastman Falls Hydro in Franklin, Garvins Falls Hydro in Bow, Gorham Hydro in Gorham, Hooksett Hydro in Hooksett, Jackman Hydro in Hillsborough and Smith Hydro in Berlin.

Both sales were auctions approved by the state Public Utilities Commission. “With this final sale, we are honoring the commitments made to employees and communities where the facilities are located, and we will maintain close communication with the towns to ensure a smooth transition,” Quinlan said.

Under the sale agreements, the new owners must keep the plants in service for at least 18 months, and

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Could EverSource State Supreme Court Victory Mean Lower Electric Rates in NH?

judge-gavelNew Hampshire has a resource problem. We’ve too many ax-grinders protesting energy infrastructure projects but you can’t create electricity with those. Not legally. You need something else. Several somethings. But each and every effort to improve energy infrastructure in the Granite State is protested, blocked, or dragged out in court until the developers give up.

If we don’t replace or update aging infrastructure, many of which the same ax-grinders are working to shutter, we’ll be reduced to wood and solar. By that I mean a world lit only by fire.

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by Skip

Yeah, this guy shouldn’t be allowed to count any volts of ours (reformatted, emphasis mine):

State Consumer Advocate Donald Kreis said issuing the bonds should save some customers money, but he was critical of the utility’s spending. “This stems from PSNH having made a hugely improvident investment decision by wasting $400 million on a scrubber at Merrimack Station” in Bow, he said. Kreis said it is important to remind people that “the relentless zeal of utilities to buy new toys always ends up on the back of ratepayers.”

Well of course, you nitwit.  When companies spend money on capital improvements, that cost is going to be passed along as a cost of doing business.  What do you think, they’re going to eat that cost?  And it is clear that Kries didn’t do his homework AND has no clue. And no idea, seemingly, that the

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GrokTALK! – Taxpayers On The Hook Again?

Taxpayers might be on the hook again as a local utility looks to divest itself of some property (with the legislatures help). Then there’s an election law bill that may make the definition of domicile worse (if you can imagine that). And we take a few shots at UNH because we are talking about domicile. … Read more

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