Local Power Company Wants to Control the Thermostat in Your Home

We’ve known this was coming for a while -utilities using “smart meter” technology to control your thermostat. So, it is no surprise that Eversource is seeking volunteers to allow it to control some aspects of power usage in their homes.

Related: Wind Power an Even Bigger Waste of Money Than Originally Projected

And look at how they are selling it.

Eversource is looking for permission to control some customers’ thermostats, electric vehicles or home batteries on hot afternoons as a potential alternative to expensive and polluting upgrades to the power grid.

The idea is simple the reporting, from the Concord Monitor, is slanted toward the climate cult lie.

These involve improving the grid by installing battery backup, using distributed energy from solar panels and coordinating real-time reduction of customer demand. Such programs are often seen as key to keeping the lights on as we try to contain climate change and take advantage of solar and wind power.

Do you know what would keep the lights on without any of the control business? Natural gas infrastructure. At a fraction of the price, and cleaner to boot.

So, this is where I have to remind everyone that Wind, solar, and lithium battery technology are not clean. The front and back end life cycles are awful. They are not reliable. But because the “you will do what we say or we’ll make you crowd” has been so effective at preventing natural gas infrastructure in the Granite State, this idea becomes the only alternative.

Eversource is looking to experiment with this option in Westmoreland.  It’s entirely voluntary for the moment. But it presages what is to come, especially under a more intolerant political regime that wants to legislate compliance.

Yeah, that could happen. And it will if we are not more diligent about making the case against just allowing the Left to waltz into legisaltive majorities, corner offices, Congress, or the White House.

They do not trust us at all. We are idiot children in need of their direction. They take our money because we don’t know how to spend it. Forcing us to live under state rationing to save us from the fantasy of a Climate apocalypse is the goal. Not the apocalypse, that’s a lie, but the desire for control is real. It’s in everything Democrats do.

We also need more support for natural gas infrastructure. The NIMBY’s go unchallenged in any meaningful way and we all literally pay for that. Not just in higher prices but unreliable alternatives and everything that comes with that.

And while Eversource is a private business trying to come up with solutions that work for customers, albeit with something of a guaranteed customer base, they are only doing this because they have to operate in a regulatory environment that leaves them little choice. One we allowed and never rolled back.

I’m sure power companies would rather promote pipeline and natural gas-fired plants. That would be a lot cleaner than giant battery backups charged with crappy wind and solar. But only you can help make that happen.

If you don’t care, then the utility controlling all your electric use under the mandate of law is your future. Personally, I’m opposed to that. Maybe we can start a club or something.

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