
The People, More Than Our Elected Leaders, Are To Blame

I fear the end of the American Republic and this great experiment. Not because of who is in charge, but because of who wants these people in charge.

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Interference FI

Democrat Gaslighting

FOUR YEARS! At each and every turn they made that clear that Trump was an illegitimate President. But when the rubber hit the road, none of the progenitors’ “witness” would confess to having anything truthful (threats of perjury do that to older folks, knowing they may not get out of prison alive).

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Once Again, the NH-ACLU has Duped Students into Being Plaintiffs in a Stupid Case.

Here is the least laughable part of the NHACLU “suit” against NH voters. I have copied a paragraph of it here without citation and page break: “HB 1264 is unconstitutional under at least three different theories. First, HB 1264 violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the  United  States Constitution under the Anderson/Burdick, framework in that … Read more

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