How long ago was it that the Leftists were confidently articulating their plans to reshape America? They were forcing aggressive policy change, dismantling the filibuster. Now the tune is changing. The Left is all about bipartisanship. Before the election it was all power, all the time.
The Leftists hate America, her constitution and the rule of law. Look at what is happening in Pennsylvania. Do you need more evidence they are anti-democratic? How is this different from Bull Connor, also a Democrat, in the 1960s?
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It is time to rid ourselves of Leftist measures like the Voting Rights Act and all of the deindustrialization policies designed to secure one-party rule and make us all poorer, colder and hungrier.
The American people gave control of the White House, House of Representatives, and Senate back to America. The incoming president has a mandate to change America’s direction. The Leftist plan to push through a deindustrialization agenda is off the table.
Today the Leftist message is for us to do what they refused to do. They would have us turn the other cheek and not do to them what they have done to you and America.
The filibuster is a safeguard against runaway legislation. Today’s majority can swiftly become tomorrow’s minority. The Left’s pleas for restraint are as transparent as they are hypocritical.
Will the Left play nice with us or will they double down on their no prisoners techniques? History shows we are more willing to be nice than they were or are. America has an ideological divide. We approach the Left as misguided. They consider us a moral threat. The election highlighted the difference. With Trump at the helm the Left’s appeal for civility highlights their hypocrisy.