Email Doodlings – “Ah yes, the generational redistribution plan!”

Again, from ‘Grok Loyal reader in Dayton: Social Security benefits increase

Skip – how is it that benefits increase when Middle America has lost 20% of their income over the last 4 yrs? I would have expected benefits to decrease, or at least freeze.

Why should grandma & grandpa get a raise when I got a paycut, my 401K tanked, and my property lost 1/3 of its value? And we won’t mention my GM stock getting wiped out, or the pending tax and healthcare premium increases waiting for me in 2013. Starting to boil over….

As well he should. My response: “Ah yes, the generational redistribution plan!”

Data Point – People added / NOT added to the Labor force since 1/2009

Obama – he’s managed the economy oh so well! (H/T: Powerline)

Failure Is A Five Letter Word O-B-A-M-A

Democrats Screw Most Vulnerable Again

A question that has long ago been answered is can government lift people up?   The answer is no.  It can only hold them down.  When it holds them all down the Liberals call this equality and history has yet to provide one example where the kind of planned economy Democrats favor ever did any better … Read more

How About Those Jobs Numbers?

The Bureau of Laboring Statistics announced that the economy created 114,000 jobs last month.  If we ignore the fact that this is not even enough to address population growth (so the lower unemployment percent of 7.8% actually means bad things), and just look at job growth averages, Democrats might want to ignore this report and … Read more

Notable Quote: Adam Smith – The Avarice of ‘Princes’

…for in every country of the world, I believe, the avarice and injustice of princes and sovereign states, abusing the confidence of their subjects, have by degrees diminished the real quantity of metal, which had been originally contained in their coins. … By means of those operations, the princes and sovereign states which performed them … Read more

And if you give Obama 4 more years of Government Markets…

…including that of Government Healthcare: (H/T: Instapundit)

This seems about right – but he’s WAY too polite

‘Grok friend Chan over at Weekend Pundit has a quick succinct summary of Barack Hussein Obama’s 4 years: Despite the water-carrying the MSM is doing for Obama, the narrative has been shifting from Romney’s perceived ‘deficiencies’ to Obama’s failures, both foreign and domestic. His Middle East foreign policy has been shown to be a disaster … Read more

Progressives – it’s NOT your money if not being used for the greatest and common good

according to their philosophy.  And so say them directly – Hillary Rosen, Ann Kuster, and Barack Hussein Obama.  If you are not using your money for the common good according to  ReProgressives (presently, one’s money to be “in the economy”), they feel perfectly fine and capable to remove it from you and call it taxation. I remember when Democrat “strategist” Hillary Rosen made this claim back on “Meet The Press” (July 15) on a discussion on jobs and that silly argument that Romney wasn’t paying his taxes:

MS. ROSEN: Well, and that’s the problem. Right now the plan that we’ve seen from Mitt Romney is just mostly significant tax cuts for the wealthy. President Obama actually has put forth multiple plans that the Republican Congress has blocked. So, the only thing we have now is a choice. This conversation may not be what everybody wants, but we do have a choice between these two candidates. And when you look at something like what Mitt Romney has done, hiding his taxes, there’s– you– you know, if every American hid their money and invested it in overseas tax havens, where would this economy be? You know…

Well, Uber-Progressive Regressive Ann McKluster is making the same claim in a debate with Charlie Bass for US Congress in NH CD-2:

“It isn’t about millionaires against everybody else,” Bass said on the tax issue. “It’s about getting this economy turned around again. Raising taxes in the middle of this recession without having any comprehensive plan to turn the economy around is a bad idea.”

If these resources were being used to create new jobs, then the small business wouldn’t be paying taxes on them,” said Kuster. “That’s a deduction.

“The point is, these people with this kind of income right now are not putting the money back into the economy,” she said. “They’re not hiring new people. Frankly, they’re not even buying new goods.”

You see, you do not own yourself.  You are not entitled to the fruits of your labor – your wages, your salary, your income if you are not using it according to THEIR purposes.

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Oh yeah, let’s not forget about “They don’t need it” argument – the foundation for Redistribution

That’s another tenet of Liberalism / Regressivism Progressivism to go along with “You don’t do the right things with it” meme.  They look at the well to-do, the rich, and the uber-rich and think “we can take it because they won’t miss it and they don’t need it”.  Really?  You can take it because YOU feel they don’t need it?  Really, how much closer to a bad rationalization do you have to make keep from letting your better side from realizing “er, isn’t that stealing“?  Just because someone has WAY more than you have means that it is perfectly legitimate for you to just take what they own for your own Progressive purposes?  Not only is this wrong, it is the absolute epitome of the definition of selfishness.  How hollow it must be to publicly be saying “look at what we give to people” all the while working hard (or being very dismissive) to not square the cognitive dissonance that the possible freedom they give to some in a material way is far outweighed by the tyranny laid upon those from who they take on the other side of the equation.

Sure, it is always posed as “We are merely asking that the rich give a little more“.  Absolute nonsense – as the top 10% of income earners pay 70% of all income taxes, how much more should they be paying?  There  is no “asking” (which implies one can say “no” as an acceptable answer) and there is no “giving” (which would be voluntary).  Such sophistry and solipsism: any “asking” is really a legal demand while the “giving” is merely paying a tax bill – or landing in the Old Pokey with nice steel bars around you.  There is no “voluntary” about it.  Oh, to be sure, there will be commenters that will jump all over this with that silly “We all belong to the Goverment as the one thing we do” or we all have to pay taxes.  Oh, to be sure, we do have to pay taxes – but Progressives want Government to overspread and take over Society such there there is only Government, and that takes more and more and more in taxes (in which, Progressives act just like, and are no better with respect to Private Property, Willy Sutton).

Truly, Progressivism is a morally bankrupt philosophy.

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There is no Forward with Obama (c/o A Notable Quote – John C. Calhoun)

“ individuals differ greatly from each other, in intelligence, sagacity, energy, perseverance, skills, habits of industry and economy, physical power, position and opportunity,–the necessary effect of leaving all free to exert themselves to better their condition, must be a corresponding inequality between those who may possess these qualities and advantages in a higher degree, and … Read more

Data Point – The Single most Accurate Indicator of Labor Market Health

Unleashing Democrat policies and fomenting Obamanomics results in a plague like disease seizing upon the Labor Market. The symptoms are oozing unemployment and fetid labor participation (i.e., how many people are actually trying to get a job).  From the Mercatus Center, George Mason University: The release of the June labor market data marks the third … Read more

Good going Obama (and your pernicious pack of Progressives!)

The Global Competitive Report fr 2012-2013 has bad news for the US – it seems that Obama’s policy of Determined Weakness is succeeding:

…This year’s Report features a record number of 144 economies, and thus continues to be the most comprehensive assessment of its kind. It contains a detailed profile for each of the economies included in the study as well as an extensive section of data tables with global rankings covering over 100 indicators. This Report remains the flagship publication within the Forum’s Global Benchmarking Network, which produces a number of research studies that mirror the increased integration and complexity of the world economy.

And where is the US in all this?  I would say that this is a big “Oopsies” bordering on “Major FacePalm” – am betting Obama and his cohort that dream of a de-industrialized US are beaming with pride (“status OK, everything proceeding as planned!”):

We used to be first.  Last year: 5th.  Now: 7th.  Given the economy and the way that the Obamanauts go about setting their industrial policy (as IF the Government is SUPPOSED to set that – oh wait, that was in the former USSR, right?  THAT worked out so spectacularly well, eh?), we should be surprised?

What did they measure and what were those items that is causing us to have a less free economy?

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Economic Dunce!

Oh, that’s right – he is the Blameless One! (H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

Real Unemployment at 19%…

Wynton Hall at wrote this.  I’m just sharing it. Consider the following 11 economic facts: 1.  When you include the underutilized labor figure with the eight million Americans who have lost hope altogether and stopped looking for a job, real unemployment now stands at just under 19 percent. 2.  If the labor force were … Read more


Based on the quote from GOP VP Candidate Paul Ryan’s convention speech, BKeyser gives us this image.

Hopeless BKeyser

And then there’s the Ad from Crossroads…on the jump

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Are You Better Off or “We are the 56%”

Gallup reports that 56% of Swing State voters do not believe they are better off than they were four years ago, rising from an Obama low of 54% but not yet nearing the Oct/Nov 2011 high of 60%.   A majority of those claiming they are not better off blame Mr. Obama, but not by a lot.  Plenty of blame for both Obama and Bush, with some still only blaming Bush.

So I guess we are the 56%.

better off- Are you better off than 3 years ago?
We are the 56%

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How To Keep An Economy Down..

It is hard to beat the annual burden of government regulation for keeping the economy down.  It’s also a great way to keep unemployment up.  If Businesses have to spend more money to comply with regulations there is less to invest in the business or more employees.  And what’s even better is that this…(see chart on the jump)…is something the government did create.  Forty-six billion dollars ($46,000,000,000.00) in new additional regulatory costs per year!, heaped on business owners–during a recession– thanks to Barry “Big Bureaucracy” Obama…in just three years.

(I wonder if the idea came out of one of those job summit break-out session?)

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Data Point – Job recovery rates by President

He may have inherited a bad situation (so did Reagan).  I think Obama’s “laser like focus” went dark…

(H/T: The Corner)

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Notable Quote – Milton Friedman (on the occasion of the birth of this Nobel Prize winning economist)

What the market does is to reduce greatly the range of issues that must be decided through political means, and thereby to minimize the extent to which government need participate directly in the game.  The characteristic feature of action through political channels is that it tends to require or enforce substantial conformity.  The great advantage … Read more

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