Democrats Screw Most Vulnerable Again

A question that has long ago been answered is can government lift people up?   The answer is no.  It can only hold them down.  When it holds them all down the Liberals call this equality and history has yet to provide one example where the kind of planned economy Democrats favor ever did any better than that.  This has not stopped them trying of course, because despite their obsession with abortion new generations of suckers are born every minute.   Suckers educated by the same progressives to ignore history so that socialism can call out big Ben Parliament every few years–the time necessary to put a new dress on the old whore, to polish up the turd, or to just whip some new language in front of it like Hope and Change or we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

To be honest, after adding five trillion in debt, with trillions more on deck, the ones you are waiting for have not been born yet, but we”ll need to tax the crap out of them when they get here, which brings us full circle to that equality meme the left loves so much.  These future generations have already been held down and they are not even here yet.  Such is the nature of the Democrats utopian fantasy.  It is a fantasy.  It suppresses birthrates the same way it suppresses economies.  it suppresses incomes, opportunities…it turns all of us into the most vulnerable.

It is a self-indulgent spending spree at the expense of all else, and no Democrat wants to stop it.


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