Data Point – US Energy Consumption per Dollar of GDP

Efficient! (H/T: AEIdeas)

“Bad Luck” – starting to catch up with us?

I have seen the words that some of our Industrial Barons have said – their “business lightening” wouldn’t even flicker today if they had to do it all over again.  But, given a mention of the author who help give rise to our name, I decided to use it all:

FEDEX FOUNDER: I Couldn’t Start Company with Today’s Economy, Regulations.

Last month, a CNBC headlined noted, “Subway ‘Wouldn’t Exist’ If Started Today Due to Regulations: Founder Deluca.”

In 2011, Bernie Marcus said the same about Home Depot, which he founded.

Or to put it another way:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”

“Or as some would say: ‘You didn’t build that,’” Glenn added last year when he quoted Robert Heinlein.

(H/T: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit

Three different industries, three different biz models – all doomed to failure if attempted today?  Do I blame Obama directly?  No.  But we all should examine the Jungle of Regulations that has grown up since those times – the bad luck that will plague, not those of us reaching the end of our careers, our children and theirs.  We are in the middle of the birthing of a government spawned sclerosis that has taken two generations to achieve the current state of growth we see now; 0.1% growth, 0.4% growth in the last two quarters.  Hardly a gift to our offspring, eh?

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Data Point – the Obama Recovery has been EXCELLENT, yeah?

(H/T: AEI-Ideas)

Data Point – Unemployment rate EVEN with Obama’s Stimulus

(Image H/T: AEIdeas) Drop outs from the Labor force at all time high: 89,304,000 The Corner:   Were the unemployment rate today measured against the same workforce participation as when President Obama took office four years ago, the unemployment rate today would be 10.7 percent.

Only Taxpayers are supposed to Tighten their Belts

The Republican majority in the Belknap County Convention is fighting County tax increases. These Republicans seem to be the only people in any level of government showing concern for the bill-payers (taxpayers) most of whom are already struggling in today’s poor economy.

In January, President Obama raised working people’s taxes and everyone’s cost of living. Obamacare increased health insurance premiums and includes new taxes. And now we know that Obamacare costs three times what President Obama promised.

Since President Obama was inaugurated, the value of middle class incomes has declined by about $4000 annually. The percentage of people in the workforce is at a 30 year low, jobs are lost every month, and Obama’s regulations and tax policies are so anti-employer that few people are willing to take the risk of hiring more employees. Most middle income people struggle even before new government driven cost of living and tax increases.

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“Obama”: “I really have no idea how money works or budgets work.”

Ain’t it the truth… (H/T:  The Blaze)

Data Point – Household Indebtedness

“At $11.34 trillion in Q4 2012, total household debt is up from $11.31 trillion in Q3.  This suggests that the great consumer deleveraging story may be over.” (H/T: Business Insider)

Get “far away from the USA…its collapse will be messy”

We all know it and see it – the deficit, the debt, Fed Quantitative Easing, the burgeoning Socialism of America.  If you are like me, you might be taking some modest steps toward living (surviving) a post-economic collapse.  Or, you may not be. Some think it unthinkable, some see pending doom. I’m in the middle; … Read more

The Obama Recovery Is So Darn Good…

The recovery is so damn good that more people stopped looking for work than found a job in January.  Around 157,000 became employed while 169,000 people left the labor force. Since Obama came to office 8.5 million Americans have left the labor force.  That means that there are 8.5 million fewer jobs in the country … Read more

Data Point – Obama’s economy heading south: -0.1%

The Obama administration, I think, has figured out that the Bush excuse has expired.  But, they were happy to talk Sandy Superstorm and “The Republican fiscal cliff” – it is never, EVAH the result of their policies.  Never. Some numbers breakdown here. (H/T: AEIdeas)

Backward is the New Forward

Not all that long ago I pointed out that “Forward” is the new backward.  As we progressed into 2013, everyone inherited a tax increase courtesy of the forward progress of the Obama Administration as it kept its promise not to rasie taxes on the “middle class.  Well it has only been two weeks since then … Read more

Obama-Boehner is nothing like Reagan-O’Neill

The column in the 12/21/2012 Citizen of Laconia ( titled, “History teaches us valuable lesson about taking the same side”, apparently written by Steve and Cokie Roberts, is interesting, but I see little similarity between the Reagan-O’Neill situation and the Obama-Boehner situation.  For example, Tip O’Neill was interested in following the law and passing a budget.  President Obama’s last two (and perhaps 3) budgets were so unrealistic that they have received NO democrat votes in either the House or the Senate.  The Republican controlled House has passed annual budgets, but the Democrat controlled Senate refuses to consider them or pass their own budget, and President Obama is, apparently, fine with that.  Having no budget creates a crisis every time that funding is about to run out in any area.

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Obama Promises – when does this expiration date come up for renewal?

Pray tell, if he can’t keep his promise of better results on unemployment on a massive $1 Trillion Stimulus, what is his promise on the newest $50 Billion one he wants as part of the Fiscal Cliff? (H/T: AEI)

We’re going down, folks.

But this time there’s going to be a documentary for the historians to study; it’s aptly named The Bubble. The movie explains the coming economic crash, including “Who caused it, who called it, and what’s next.” Included in the movie are appearances by economists, commentators, historians, and investment experts; they include Thomas E. Woods, Jr.; Jim … Read more

A sign for the times – and for the near future time?

I just don’t know if Obama knows – or considers it a feature: Unemployment at 8%, $16+Trillion in debt, $1 Trillion + annual deficit, GDP growth is the worst recovery is vapid, the Rule of Law being ignored faster and faster…. It’s fine. (H/T: Instapundit)

Is the future of America…Argentina?

It will be if Obama wins this election. Read how and why HERE.

Data Point – Free Trade effect on Economy, Hunger, Environment

“Contrary to the claims that “unfair” foreign competition hurts the jobs at home, the unemployment rate actually fares better in times of higher trade deficits. Bryan Riley and former Ambassador Terry Miller provide further clarification:  When the trade deficit increases, the unemployment rate decreases, and vice versa. For example, in 2009, the U.S. trade deficit … Read more

Data Point – 2012 Q3 GDP

The Bureau of Economic Analysis reported today that Q3 GDP ticked upward to 2.0 percent, after clocking in at 1.3 percent in Q2. But that headline number gives only limited amount of information. Here’s a more detailed breakdown from today’s BEA report. It could have been worse: Personal consumption improved to 2.0 percent in the … Read more

Guest Post: Mike Johnson – “New Hampshire, Tear Down This Firewall”

New Hampshire, Tear Down This Firewall

Mike Johnson

You have a choice, New Hampshire, an important choice, a life-style choice.

Like our motto says, you can “Live Free or Die,” a free self-reliant citizen of New Hampshire, proud of yourself and proud of your state and your country.  Or you can “Live Dependent and Die,” withering away as a slave of the Nanny State, subject to the government and an apologist for yourself, your state, and your country.

It is your option, but recognize that it may be your last choice.  The United States of America is dangerously close to the point where a majority of the voters are vassals of the state, reduced to relying on the largesse of the government for their livelihood, and economically forced to vote for the continuance of the Nanny State.  As Mark Steyn puts it, “This election represents the last exit ramp before the death spiral.”

Disagree? Consider Obama’s record:

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Romney Goes Yard

Obama still has no second term agenda and Romney has his number.

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