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SB 219 Should Be Unnecessary

So I recently received an email from Cornerstone regarding SB 219. From the email: Senator Keith Murphy has proposed a floor amendment to SB 219 that would require school districts to post the six-figure salaries of diversity professionals and other high-paid administrators before school budget meetings. … Teachers’ unions are fighting to protect New Hampshire’s high-paid DEI bureaucracy … Read more

Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

It’s Time to Act or Kiss the USA Goodbye

American values and families are under assault from the progressives. We see this with CRT and transgender cult ideologies in our schools. And with American Bolsheviks, BLM and ANTIFA rioting, looting, and pulling down statutes in their effort to destroy American history and culture.

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The U.S. Military is Being Rapidly Transformed Into the Waffen SS

For those of you not familiar with the Waffen SS, I will attempt to synopsize. The SS began as a personal bodyguard for Hitler and other Nazi leaders (1930s). By the beginning of World War II (1939), its role had expanded to guarding Concentration Camps and being organized into conventional military units. Once the war … Read more

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