Planned Parenthood Northern New England Is in Disarray

In April 2021, Planned Parenthood Northern New England’s long-time CEO quit after workers in Maine and Vermont unionized. One year later, PPNNE is still trying to hire someone to replace her.

Related: Planned Parenthood Northern New England President Quits After Workers Unionize

PPNNE is floundering. After receiving a special $1/2 million “Title X Dire Need Grant” from the Biden administration, PPNNE announced the closure of a facility in Newport, VT, forcing their clients to drive 45 minutes to get to the nearest PP facility, and the closure of their abortion facility in Manchester, NH for ten Saturdays over the next four months.

As of September 2021, PPNNE’s workers in New Hampshire have also unionized. A contract covering NH, Maine, and Vermont was ratified with a minimum hourly wage of $17.50 for new employees and $18 for existing employees.

PPNNE has made a recent commitment to anti-racism and announced a new Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Organizational Culture who has apparently already left because that position is also being advertised.

Their business model depends on abortion as well as their new and growing business, administering wrong-sex hormones to teens as young as 16, which results in the killing and sterilizing of future customers. This is a business with no future.

I predict PPNNE will remain rudderless for the foreseeable future.


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