Is DEI Ready To DIE

Howard Johnson’s used to boast over thirty flavors of ice cream. It was great to have so many choices, but sometimes, you simply want a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I went through a period when all my cars were white. It was not a social statement. I love the clean look of a white car. I now drive a beautiful chocolate brown Jeep.

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Diversity Is Our Strength … Just Like War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery And Ignorance Is Strength

Diversity is our strength! Diversity is our strength! Diversity is our strength! Just don’t ask the bots repeating this Orwellian mantra how, for example, turning Dearborn into a den of America-hating makes us stronger. Indeed, the Left has such control of the debate over “diversity” that hardly any elected or aspiring GOP candidates dare to state the obvious … instead, we get: of course I support diversity, blah, blah, blah.

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Embrace the Left’s Worldview or You Are Worse Than the Enemy

There are several critical points we try to make about the Left’s “victim groups” and the pursuit of progressive one-party rule. First, your special rights designation is temporary. If they  determine you will not do their bidding – expect to be “othered.” And your special status has a shelf life. Once the Left has what it wants, you are garbage to them.

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The Big Lie of DEI

Democrats and the left are a fickle lot. It’s clear they’re determined to keep the country divided using the politics of victimization, but they can’t seem to decide where next to plant their seeds of discontent.

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Vermont Principal’s Association Not Interested In Actual Diversity

The Vermont Principal’s Association handed Mid Vermont Christian School a school wide disqualification from all VPA sponsored events on Monday.  This decision was made by the board “unanimously” 15-0 after allowing their “stakeholders” to comment VPA assistant executive director Lauren Thomas told the Valley News. I reached out to the VPA directly yesterday to offer my … Read more

How Can Woke Warriors Command an Unsurpassed Fighting Force?

If there was any doubt about where today’s military leaders stand on the woke agenda, Admiral Michael Gilday cleared it up in his recent congressional testimony. Rep. Jim Banks was asking the admiral about the suitability of a particular book on the navy’s recommended reading list. Among the outrageous claims in the book, the author … Read more

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