Bureaucrats ‘Foster’ Anti-Religious Bigotry

Throw out logic and reason, and you can begin to understand the rules of the new Woke world—case in point. A couple in Massachusetts has been denied the right to foster a child because of their Catholic beliefs and views on the LGBTQ lifestyle. 

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Looks Like Medical Suicide Isn’t Canada’s Only Organ Harvesting Scheme

Garnet Harper couldn’t get a doctor or hospital in Canada to perform a much-needed kidney transplant because he hadn’t received any vaccinations for COVID-19. He had viable donors, but Canadian Health Care™ policy prohibits transplants for the unvaccinated. He died at the age of thirty-five.

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US Supreme Court Building Wash DC

SCOTUS Has to Smack Colorado Around Again -This Time for Violating a Woman’s Religious Rights

We’re going to need to demand reparations from Colorado. They keep wasting our money with court cases that mirror ones they’ve already lost at the High Court because of their so-called anti-religious discrimination commission.

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Men women bathroom symbols original Photo by Juan Marin on Unsplash

Court Sides With Christian Business: Feds Can’t Force Women to Share a Bathroom with Men

The Constitution continues to get in the way of radical Government overlords pressuring people to abandon their principles to do its bidding. And while it only takes a few judges to thwart that, for the moment, religious conscience has another defender—the US Fifth Circuit Court.

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Governor Groomer Chris Sununu

19 State AGs Back Religious Liberty Case But Mine Isn’t One of Them

You know, for a guy who appears to be warming up his engine for a run at the white house (as a Republican), he is missing a lot of free meals. By that, I mean opportunities to hook Republicans from a primary voting base that shies away from CNN or CNBC.

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Rebuild NH

Support Bill to Ban Social Credit Scores

I apologize for the last-minute email, but these bills snuck past me, even though our own treasurer, JR Hoell, co-sponsored HB 225. While both of these bills tackle the same issue, I personally feel that HB 225 is likely a better solution.

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ascention of shortpeople screen grab twitter

Tall People are Killing The Planet

In 1977 one of the most popular songs on the radio was Short People by Randy Newmann, who says it had nothing to do with height. It did to everyone who sang it to 4’11 me (cue the late 70’s equivalent of Nelson Muntz), but then I grew 6 inches that summer. Six inches in three months. I slept and ate.

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BLM Fist Socialism

Minneapolis School District Will Fire Teachers Based on Skin Color

The recently agreed-to Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT) Union Contract includes a provision that protects employment-based race. If a job needs to be eliminated, you’ll get fired instead of someone else if you look a certain way.

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Chains child slavery

School District Hides Traumatizing Segregation Experiment from Parents

School District Hides Traumatizing Segregation Experiment from Parents

Schools do many things that grind my rhetorical gears, but the deliberate deception may be the worst. It happens in New Hampshire in violation of the law, probably because the time is worth the crime, not that anyone can be bothered to punish violators.

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BLM Fist Socialism

Black Students Accused of Hate Crimes Must Have the Left Losing Its Hive Mind

We have a report of a Middle School Near miss in Broward County Florida. This near-miss isn’t about firearms but there are troubled kids and troubled educators, but not the way you might imagine.

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Glenn Youngkin VA Governor- Image - Youngkin for gov website

Youngkin Puts Black Conservative Female in Charge of Virginia’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Angela Sailor is Virginia Governor Glenn Younkkin’s new cabinet-level director of the state’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. She is black and a woman, which puts some Democrats in an uncomfortable position to complain too loudly.

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Currently the worst kept secret from the Biden White House is the "secret", dark of night flights of hundreds of children who have been illegally allowed entry in to the U.S. to be "reunited" with parents or "sponsors" as if we actually know who these kids really are or for that matter who the supposed parents and sponsors actually are?   If this was all on the up and up, legal, moral and ethical, why the late night flights? Why the silence from this Administration who should be calling for every media source to "look see what a great and good thing we are doing" but they are not and that tells any intelligent person it is not on the up and up. On the contrary it's an under the table badly kept secret. Transparency which was supposed to be a hallmark of this administration has been anything but and it's been disaster after disaster followed by scandal after scandal. This just the most recent.    You don't have to wonder why, it's obvious. Those running this administration can't be bothered by following our laws and regard the Constitution as a quaint antiquated document to be ignored whenever it can't serve their purpose and agendas. Those coming across our boarder are not legal immigrants but illegal invaders. We actually have federal laws on the books that describe the legal process for entry, this is not that. It's totally scandalous how this White House left hundreds of American Citizens and Afghan Green Card holders abandoned to the "mercy" of the Taliban but is hell bent on illegally opening our boarders and flying illegals all over our country. There is nothing moral or ethical about any of this or those running this Administration.

Isn’t This Discrimination against Folks Coming Here Legally?

How stupid is this?  “Biden requires stricter COVID testing of legal travelers even as illegal immigrants have gotten a pass.” So, any legal visitor from another country (in this case, anyone flying or “boating” to this country) has to observe more stringent regulations because of WuFlu / COVID than others.

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Laughing sununu as NH Flag burns

Governor Sununu – You Need to Stop Advocating Workplace Discrimination

Chris Sununu wants to be John Lynch. Lynch was a 4-term Democrat governor of New Hampshire of decidedly squishy construction. Sununu is running for that 4th term, and he’s already squishy and in the same direction as Lynch.

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No Vaxx no service

Question for The Gov. – Will You Allow Hospitals to Refuse to Treat the Unvaccinated?

Governor Sununu, who wrote dozens of emergency executive orders imposing government force on private businesses, now says he can’t or won’t support protecting citizens from the will of private businesses concerning COVID19 policy, specifically vaccine mandates.

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Billy Prempeh Dear While Liberals, Screen grab Youtube video

To White Liberals -The Black Community Doesn’t Trust The Vaccine, Here’s Why

Billy Prempeh is running for congress in New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District, and he’s not pulling any punches. In a video titled, From Slaves to Guinea Pigs, he’s got some news for the Left about why the Black community doesn’t trust their vaccine.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Civil Rights Complaint Filed Against New Hampshire For Refusing to Vaccinate Someone Based on Skin Color

A North Country New Hampshire man has filed a formal complaint against the state alleging discrimination in violation of “Section 1557 of the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act (the ACA) and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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Freedom passport questionmark

BLM: Vaccine Passports Are Racist

A co-founder of BLM in New York City says that 72% of blacks between 18 and 44 in the Big Apple are unvaccinated. Gee, I guess they don’t trust the government? She also says disenfranchising unvaccinated blacks is discrimination.

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Students teacher classroom

Now That School is Starting Here’s that List of NH Teachers That Will Teach CRT Even If It’s Against the Law

Critical Race Theory is race shaming original sin with no hope of repentance or salvation. New Hampshire has prohibited this sort of discrimination, but a few dozen “educators” have claimed they will teach it even they get arrested.

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Litchfield pic AMB post

School District Uses Critical Race Theory to Attack Our Civil Rights

If tonight’s school board meeting in Litchfield is any indication of where residents stand on Critical Race Theory, the Superintendent is in trouble. Like many Superintendents around the state, Mike Jette failed to understand what he was posting on the district website.

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The “New” (NO CRT) and Anti-Discrimination Text From HB2 in One Place – Share It, Quote it, Live It!

Because the left is lying about what New Hampshire’s new anti-discrimination subdivision in HB2 (2021) says or means (given that the Governor appears willing to sign it), I’m sharing it here. All of it. Now.

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