Youngkin Puts Black Conservative Female in Charge of Virginia's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - Granite Grok

Youngkin Puts Black Conservative Female in Charge of Virginia’s Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Glenn Youngkin VA Governor- Image - Youngkin for gov website

Angela Sailor is Virginia Governor Glenn Younkkin’s new cabinet-level director of the state’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. She is black and a woman, which puts some Democrats in an uncomfortable position to complain too loudly.

No worries, they’ll complain. She is not black or a woman if she is a republican or a conservative, and she is both.


Sailor, an African-American woman, has a long and distinguished background in conservative politics. She served most recently as vice president of The Feulner Institute at The Heritage Foundation. She previously served in the Department of Education, at the Republican National Committee, and as Director of African-American Affairs for George W. Bush’s Victory 2000 Presidential Campaign. According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Sailor has frequently “criticized school lessons on systemic racism in the U.S.”


Genius appointment. It will have VA Dems stewing in their angry juices as Sailor undoes the damage of the Northam years (he created the position). She may even be able to find a way to use its powers for good.

I’d prefer they just eliminated it.

New Hampshire has a Governor’s commission along the same lines, and nothing good ever comes out of Diversity, equity, or anti-discrimination panels, committees, or commissions. And we don’t need it.

Like most states, New Hampshire has extensive anti-discrimination and anti-bullying laws. These commissions are just emitting excess carbon to grandstand and trample on people’s rights.

We need to end ours, and I hope Youngkin and Sailor come around to that conclusion as well.

Until then, may they use the position to grandstand against CRT and other racist and discriminatory Lefty endeavors that have taken root in Virginia, and then, please, rip them out by the roots, turn off the lights, and seal the door.
