School District Hides Traumatizing Segregation Experiment from Parents

Steve MacDonald

School District Hides Traumatizing Segregation Experiment from Parents

Schools do many things that grind my rhetorical gears, but the deliberate deception may be the worst. It happens in New Hampshire in violation of the law, probably because the time is worth the crime, not that anyone can be bothered to punish violators.

And so we see the problem. Where we have parental rights and notification laws, they need to be enforced, or there’s no point in having them. And understanding these rules is either not required reading for teachers and administrators or, like many aspects of the progressive universe, it is a rule that only applies when it benefits the liberal agenda.

I can’t say if they’ve got parental notification laws for the San Antonio Independent School District to follow, but communication is typically very good according to these parents.


“They send us notes and newsletters about everything else. Your child is going to see The Polar Express and it’s pajama day on Friday before winter break, and we get no notice that they’re going to do a social experiment on segregation,” Brandi Lininger said.


They got a social experiment on segregation and an inappropriate movie by Spike Lee, and not a word to parents.

Mike and Brandi Lininger spoke to News 4 in San Antonio about the segregation experiment.


“All of the dark-haired kids, the brown- and black-haired kids, were treated as the privileged ones and the blonde-haired and the redhead kids were the ones treated not so nicely,” said Brandi Lininger.

The Liningers say teachers told students children in the fair-haired group were not as intelligent. That group was purposely given a game with pieces missing so the


It sounds like textbook bullying to me and violates the rules in most progressive schools. Again, on paper. Rules that they wrote and demanded but broke daily since the introduction of racist anti-discrimination lessons, of which this is one.

Not that schools were ever good at enforcing the anti-bullying rules unless it suited them. Long-time readers will remember I had some personal experience with that. Let’s say they were not prepared for me to remind them what the definition was in statute.

School bullying rules were the beta test for hate speech enforcement. As in, speech the progressives didn’t want around. A cultural revolution in public school, of which this lesson was a part.

As if we need that.

There are actually plenty of horrible things in history that teach us about discrimination and slavery. There are plenty of current-day examples as well, most of them in third-world counties where slavery has been practiced non-stop in some form for thousands of years—places where everyone has dark hair.

And they appreciate woke white liberals traumatizing 11-year olds, but if we want to educate kids, they should teach them about all the Marxist-communist governments that discriminated against tens of millions of people who looked just like them.

Murdered them. Imprisoned them. Put many in labor camps. Reduced everyone to property of the state.

No life under Mao “experiments” for the kiddies?

Slavery was awful and it should be discussed but let’s also talk about how we fought to end it and did and how and why and (oh, yeah!) that modern-day Democrats are trapping people of color on a new Plantation.

How about that slavery still exists in many other countries right now.

There is the human trafficking of light-eyed and light-haired girls to places where most of the people have dark hair. Or the sex and human trafficking happening not far from San Antonio across our open, unguarded border.

Or that the multi-generational debt being accumulated by Joe Biden and Democrats in Congress is another form of slavery. As deliberate as teachers hiding lessons from parents. And it will affect everyone, especially people of color trapped in crime-riddled Democrat-run cities.

And I would expect you to notify parents about these lessons in advance so they could opt their child out if they thought it was inappropriate. You might also want to tell them this. Anti-bullying “lessons” can lead to more bullying. I think the Left knows this. It’s why they like to teach people about slavery.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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