We have replayed this time and again… and time and again. First, the government causes a problem. Next. they declare the problem they are the cause of, a crisis. Then, the government raises taxes and usurps more of our freedom. The government then bills itself as the solution.
Coronavirus Bailout Money for Higher Ed Institutions
What did you spend for coronavirus bailout money for higher Ed institutions? Harvard decided not to apply for their $9 million share of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act. With an endowment of over $40 billion that is very gracious.
Debt, Deficit and Disease
A dispute is brewing about debt, deficit, and disease. Government spending has inflicted a multi-trillion dollar deficit in America. Recent reports are projecting the single year federal budget deficit will swell to nearly $4 trillion.
Reform the Postal Service
Democrats and U.S. Postal Service officials are seeking a $75 billion bailout from taxpayers. Bad idea. They are trying to use the coronavirus to hide the bailout. But the USPS did not wake up yesterday and find itself in need of a $75 billion bailout.
Shaheen’s 1.25 Billion in Coronavirus Money for NH Comes Up Short Compared to Vermont
Another trashbin bailout bill is making its way through congress. Democrats made fools of themselves blocking an earlier version to stuff it with unrelated left-wing garbage. But now that this sh*t show is on the road to the House Sen. Shaheen is claiming victory. Not so fast.
America has had its first-ever bond auction where there were no buyers…
You can pay me now or you will pay me later. That’s what your mechanic will tell you when you bring your car in. We pay for the maintenance now or we pay for the repairs later. But we are going to pay. The question is only how much and when. Is increasing national debt a good idea? And if so, how much is too much?
Federal Debt is a Moral Problem Caused by a Lack of Restraint
Is America’s economy really booming? Yes, the economic indicators all show the economy is booming. Sure, unemployment is at a record low. The stock market is seeing record highs. We can see wages are up, and taxes are down.
America must stabilize spending and reverse debt growth – That is the budget America needs
America must stabilize spending and reverse debt growth. That is the budget America needs. To accomplish the goal lawmakers must pursue bold reforms. An area where the president’s budget falls short is in addressing the growth of entitlement spending.
The Real Problem with Debt Has a Practical Solution
Last night a candidate for statewide office made a presentation. The candidate said deficit and debt should be a tertiary priority. This strikes me as myopic. Truth be told it made me a little angry.
You Can Pay Me Now Or You Will Pay Me Later But You Will Pay
There was a car repair shop commercial years ago which pointed out the dangers of not taking care of normal maintenance in a timely manner. If we keep our cars properly inspected and maintained we avoid more costly major repair bills.
Washington State ‘Free College’ Promise Collapsing Before it Gets Started
Giving away other people’s money is the foundation of Democrat Party Politics. You’ve been wronged, give us power and we’ll make sure someone else pays to “fix it.”
3 Things You Should Never Do if You Owe People Money
Before even getting into these three things that you really need to avoid if you are in debt to someone, here’s a little piece of pre-advice: Don’t land yourself in debt. It sounds kind of easy, but their debts can pile up quicker than you think. Whether it’s credit card debt, student debt, loan debt, … Read more
Lying Lizzie Is Going Carbon Neutral
Socialist broom rider Lying Lizzie says; in her reign, America will build no new buildings unless they are carbon neutral. That should be very reassuring to no one. There are no industry standards for carbon-neutral construction. This is political posturing, first last and always.
The Trillion Dollar Omnibus Returns
The trillion dollar omnibus spending bill returns! Hoo-ray! Omnibus:om·ni·bus/ˈämnəˌbəs/Learn to pronounce adjective 1. comprising several items. “Congress passed an omnibus anticrime spending package” (reformatted, Google Dictionary) Ah, a trillion dollar spending bill. It actually comes with a second part. Collectively, the two bills are two thousand three hundred and thirteen pages. 2,313. Congress critters are … Read more
Hear Ye, Hear Ye! – NH City Wants to add $125.5 Million in New Public Debt
We’re not confident the local media is going to alert taxpayers of this public hearing, so we’re going to do it for them. Monday, Dec. 16th at 7 PM, the city of Nashua will hold a hearing to authorize bond sales to the tune of 125.5 million dollars.
How to Deal with Debt Stress
Alongside denial, fear, panic, anger, and depression, stress is just one of the many emotions experienced on a daily basis by those that are saddled with debt. Fortunately, there are ways to fight debt-induced stress and ultimately beat it. For this to be the case, however, you can’t just bury your head in the sand … Read more
National Debt Will Choke Economic Growth
We knew or should have known this. About two months ago the Federal Reserve had to step into the markets. It bailed out the banking system yet again. The Fed was acting to bail out the nation’s money markets. The money markets were experiencing a liquidity crisis.
Shouldn’t a Debate Impart Information to the Audience?
We had a national debate with the Democrat candidates for president. Shouldn’t a debate impart information to the audience? Shouldn’t it be more than a chance to up the name recognition by having a moderator call your name repeatedly on national TV?
Destruction of Our Constitution Death of the Nation
The subject of impeachment has always been accompanied by solemn pronouncements. We must invoke it sparingly and not for narrow partisan or political purposes. The use of impeachment is to be for extreme cases; to preserve the Constitution and the rule of law.
China: not as strong as the media tells us?
I remember when Germany was going to beat the pants off us economically. Japan back in the 70s. Rumors for South Korea – ditto. And the European Union, with its free trade emphasis, was supposed to be the juggernaut that was going to run roughshod over the US. Each one of them, when you looked … Read more