Night Cap: DCYF Court Case Got “Judge Canceled”

by Skip

Yes, I am still in “semi-retirement” and not writing much, having to take care of TMEW, the Grandson, and the Granddaughter’s needs in a variety of very time-consuming ways. However, I am quite happy to report that one of “Life’s familial responsibilities” has just come to a good end:

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Was This Class Taught in an Inclusive, Respectful, and Equitable Manner?

by Skip

Years ago, story after story would appear stemming from the developing  “outlook” of what Social Work Graduate Schools were demanding their graduates adopt. They kept throwing out students who were either Conservative, Christian, or both, or just not hewing to the Narrative of how the world was to be seen and dealt with by these newly minted graduates.

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I Am Returning – Finally. It Has Been Too Long.

by Skip

Steve noted not long ago, (paraphrased): “Notice something missing? Yeah, content from Skip. He’s been missing.” Indeed I have been. In fact, this (I think) is the second time I am saying the same thing but with a modifier: I [think] I am back. And I am glad that I can, again, finally put keystrokes to GraniteGrok.

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USS Raleigh Burning NH State Flag

Are NH Courts Involved in Hiding Sex Trafficking, Sex Abuse by Their Own?

by Skip

Apropos ABA Rule 8.4, I have cited court corruption before. I have brought it up with the AG’s office, with DA Paul Halvorsen of Merrimack County and it has been brought up and is in the record with the United States Senate Judicial Committee as well. In fact, it is part of the reason why former NH AG Michael Delaney was forced to withdraw his application as a judge to the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

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