Has NH Sex Trafficked Children Using Federal Funds?


NH State Rep Leah Cushman put a Motion on the floor of NH Legislators yesterday proposing an investigation into the raging issue of the day that could potentially bankrupt NH, or at least reduce its credit rating. That black eye matter is the institutional abuse of children in its legal custody.

We want to thank Jean Allan for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
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The Sununu Youth Center scandal is just the tip of the ongoing Titanic collision path of a total unraveling of NH Corruption using Federal Funding. The Motion failed. The Cover-up continues. Officials who have been alleged to be complicit in the sex crimes have just signed up to run for NH Governor and a seat on the Executive Council: they are odds-on favorites to win.

NH cannot be allowed to be the final decision. This issue lies squarely in the jurisdiction of the US Congressional Oversight Committee. Accountability for NH’s evil acts against the most vulnerable of children and using the cover of the US Taxpayer should BEGIN NOW‼️

With Respect,


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