Garrett muscatel

Dem State Rep LIES About Being ‘Fearful’ at his School Over Sununu Vetoes

Governor Sununu rightfully vetoed the Bloomberg-backed legislation that Democrats in the house and senate shoved through the legislature. Of course, they were all in a tizzy about it over on Twitter, apparently their backer, Michael Bloomberg, probably isn’t going to be happy with his little Muppets. For the record, it was Grassroots Granite Staters who … Read more


Dartmouth Professor OK With Doxxing Catholic Boys from Covington

Dartmouth keeps the good times rolling. In late 2017 over 100 Dartmouth professors agreed that it was acceptable to use violence and intimidation to silence speech with which you disagree. This week we have Dartmouth Associate Professor Jeff Sharlet saying “I’ll have no problem with someone doxxing these boys.”

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Dartmouth “Prosecutes” A Lot Like Senate Democrats

Democrats in the U.S. Senate are sending you a message. The college campus tactics of guilty until proven innocent have been elevated to nominees for the highest court in the land. That means that if you were to accidentally stumble in front of one of their Social Justice Equity-mobiles they would run you down like (we’re … Read more

Dartmouth’s Ideological Free Speech Divide: Why Democrats Need to Lose Again in 2018

Reposted: Originally Published May 30, 2018

A few days ago, we reported on a survey of Dartmouth student’s that questions their tolerance and diversity when it comes to dating, befriending, or just interacting with someone who has opposing political beliefs. There were no surprises. Democrats shunned the idea while Republicans were much more accepting.

Further down in the same survey were data about how these students view Free Speech on campus.

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Kuster Silent On Women’s March Board Member Who Says, ‘Don’t Humanize Jews’

Congresswoman Ann Kuster is not the only New Hampshire Democrat supporter of the Women’s March, but we’ll use her as out locus for this discussion because she has publicly participated and praised the organization, one of whose founding members just told a room full of Muslims not to ‘humanize the jews.’

Does Ann Kuster, who takes large sums of money from the anti-Israel group J-Street, agree?

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Remember When the Democrats Pretended to be Civil?

Maxine WatersAfter the Democrat’s T.E.A. Party shellacking in 2010, there emerged a new narrative called the new civility. The violent left moved to paint the victorious right as uncivil while panhandling the idea that the Left was the party of Civility. We took them to task then, as always, because they’ve never been civil. Democrat-Socialism can’t advance in such an environment, and they know it. But they tried to sell civility. Even Sen. Shaheen got on board.

Sure it was a lie, but at least they were pretending. Not anymore. Good luck finding a committed rejection of the violence and incivility being peddled all the way up and down the Liberal “food” chain.

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One More Wack At Dartmouth and the Ruling Class Elite

Ruling ClassA recent survey of Dartmouth Students got ample attention from me here and here, but Jack Kerwick, writing at, combed through it here and I wanted to share his conclusion because it distills the noisy narratives down to a moment of clarity.

In summary, the Dartmouth survey establishes the truth of three propositions:

(1)Republican students are overwhelmingly outnumbered by Democrats at Dartmouth.

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Dartmouth College Original Photo by Wei Zeng on Unsplash

Dartmouth Democrats and the Left’s Ideological Master Race

Democrats as a party are not just hypocrites about diversity and equity, they are training future generations of “leaders” to be ideological isolationists.

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Dartmouth College Original Photo by Wei Zeng on Unsplash

Transforming Liberal Arts Education into Liberal Indoctrination

Joseph Asch, writing at Dartblog, exposes the fraud of the diversity and inclusion movement in his analysis of a letter by former Dartmouth Provost (and current English Professor at same) Carolyn Dever.

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What Happened to Dartmouth’s Pretendian?

In October of 2015, Dartmouth College had to make a change after getting caught with their little Social Justice Warrior pants around their politically correct ankles. They appointed (ethnomusicologist) Susan Taffe Reed as director of their Native American Program on the basis of her affiliation with the Eastern Delaware Nations a non-profit (as it turns out having nothing to do with actual Native Americans) and her ethnoknowledge of Native American music.

Real “natives” and the SJW’s had a nutter and Taffe-Reed was “stepped down” not because she was unqualified but because the chatter was too much of a distraction. When I wrote about the original circus, I noted that She will be rewarded with some other high paying job at the college. It turns out she was.

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Drinking At Dartmouth

Image Credit: Dartmouth Jim Yong Kim, the president of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, agrees that Dartmouth has a drinking problem, but that prosecuting underage drinkers is not the answer, Melanie Plenda reports in today’s Union Leader.

This comes on the heels of yet another incident where someone served alcohol to minors.  So right away we can see the error of Dartmouth college President Jim Yong Kim.  The problem (in this case) is not so much that the police are punishing underage drinkers, but that they are trying to punish people on his campus who serve alcohol to a minor, in this case a seventeen year old high school student.

  Perhaps Dartmouth would like to follow Harvard’s lead? 

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