Crime Archives - Granite Grok


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Oregon Re-Criminalizes Hard Drugs After Four Years of Decrim Disaster

If you need an example of bad drug policy vs. human nature, then Oregon is your gal. She decriminalized hard drugs in 2020 and was rewarded with a 200% spike in overdose deaths. People were not more likely to seek treatment, but they were more likely to become unproductive criminals if they didn’t kill themselves.

Police car lights

“Defund the Police” Chickens … Come Home to Roost in Pittsburgh

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright was more or less unknown before Barry Obama ran for President. One of Wright’s more famous idioms, perhaps due to the frequently shared recording of him saying it, was that after 9/11, America’s chickens were coming home to roost. Much like Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, it still has legs.

Shoplifters Are Stealing More Than Merchandise

A WaPo media machine stenographer has decided to float this trial balloon. All that shoplifting that’s been going on shouldn’t be upsetting middle-class, white-bread supremacists. After all, their descendants stole all this land from someone else.