Of Course Crime Rates Are Down When You Don’t Track The Crimes

Do they really think we are that ignorant? Do they really think that they can gaslight us that we are safer under Biden’s policies? Do they really think that we are deaf and blind to the horrid scenes that we watch with our morning coffee and again with our evening cocktail? Since Joe Biden has been our President, one cocktail is insufficient to get through the evening news.

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Too Much Crime: Change the Definition of “Crime”

I saw a clip of a new MSNBC special, which aired on February 11th, called Black Men in America: Road to 2024, with Trymaine Lee, Charles Coleman Martin Jr., and Al Sharpton, to name a few. In this clip, these men stood around a pool table and discussed crime and how the black man is made into a criminal by the establishment’s (the implication being white folks’) deliberate defining of crime to include behaviors that are part of the “black culture.”

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