Former Dem State Senator to Serve 30 Days In Jail

by Steve MacDonald

If you want an example of dragging something out, you’d do well to consider the case of former NH State Senator Jeff Woodburn. Back in 2018, the North Country Democrat had a future. He would likely have run for Governor. An aspiring political climber, knocked off the ladder of success by accusations of domestic violence.

The soap opera circus that followed made good blog fodder. The object of Jeffy’s alleged abuse was a Democrat woman. Woodurn apologists, including Democrat women, forget how they were supposed to believe the victim. They were ready to win with Woody. But, after six years of drama, wasted court time, and taxpayer money, Jeffy has exhausted his options. They won’t let him switch lawyers again to stay out of Jail, so Jeffy is going to the pokey. Why?

[E]ven if joinder of all nine charges was improper, any alleged
misjoinder is harmless error where the evidence is overwhelming
with respect to the charged conduct . . . for which the Defendant
seeks to have a new trial, the two criminal mischief charges in this
case. Again, I find that the Defendant has not established the
prejudice prong of the ineffective assistance of counsel test for two
separate, independent reasons.

First . . . the jury . . . convicted the Defendant only of the charges
in which he admitted to engaging in the charged conduct, that is
he admitted to kicking in the dryer door and forcing open the
house door, and admitted to biting the alleged victim’s hands in
the car on December 15th. . . .

[T]he jury’s guilty verdicts on the two criminal mischief charges
were based on and driven by the Defendant’s own testimony,
admitting to that conduct, and explaining it and taking
responsibility for it.

I also [find] that the Defendant has not established prejudice for a
second reason, which is that the verdicts ― the jury’s verdicts
themselves on these nine charges demonstrates the absence of any
such prejudice. That is the jury found the Defendant not guilty [of
other conduct that occurred on the same days as the criminal
mischief conduct]

I’m unsure if this would be lawyer three or four, but Woodburn has worked on this confidence scam for years. He claimed repeatedly that he lost his case because his lawyer sucked or the criminal justice system, in a nutshell, had done him wrong. The problem was his inability to escape the consequences of acts to which he admitted, to which we could add, but for which he was never charged, illegally leaking an image (related to the case) under a protective order.

Jeff Woodburn has wasted a lot of time and money (yours and mine) to avoid taking responsibility for things for which he claimed responsibility. It wasn’t a total loss. We wrote scores of posts about it. Throughout the process, his apologists discovered a right to self-defense. They argued that hot-tempered ethnics could be excused for such (wrong but not criminal) behavior. And again, there was ample evidence of wrongdoing in the Defendent’s words—behavior to which he admitted. Six years later, Jeff Woodburn has run out of ways to run from that and has to serve 30 days in Jail . Let’s hope he doesn’t have any dirt on the Clintons.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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