Unarmed And Untrained, And Headed Into Harms Way

According to Sgt. Jeremiah Gates (Arapahoe County Sheriff/Denver Co.), drones are the future of Law enforcement. Can you imagine the sorts of drones police might want to use? Yes, I’ve got some questions about Privacy and the Surveillance State, but more importantly, when will they begin upgrading to the urban assault versions of petite Predator Drones? You don’t think that’d happen?

I remember that time El Presidente Barry Obama tried to militarize local police nationwide. Get your bearcats’ here!

So, a quick note to the BLM locals and their water carriers; Democrat President Barack Obama’s DHS funded all these armored police vehicles all over the nation. In NH, mostly Democrat majority city councils rushed out to buy themselves an Obama MRAP, armored police vehicle – all while the so-called bigots and racists at GraniteGrok, many Republicans, and every Libertarian, opposed them.

Barry never got blamed for the “ensuing systemic racism” everyone was talking about after the Floyding of America.

Problems Within Problems

And why would he? Decades of Democrat rule, which included complete operational control of urban police forces, didn’t get the blame either. Hey, look over there. Those cops hired by Democrats, trained by Democrats, supervised by Democrats, in a Democrat union, in a city run by Democrats…are racists. Let’s (1)blame cops and white people in places with lots of guns and very little crime. (2) Burn down black businesses and neighborhoods in the name of black lives. And (3) Make sure in the city crime doubles and then blame that on cops and white people.

And so they did, but Barry sent them the bearcats; all they had to do was ask for one, and yet he wasn’t responsible.

I blamed him and them, but the media couldn’t find a way to fit that reality peg into any hole. And yes, drones are the future of law enforcement because cash-strapped tax-and-spend cities run into the ground by decades of political corruption and mismanagement can’t afford cops.

Drones are cheaper as are (I can only assume) non-police union social workers.

Dispatcher: We Need a Social Worker sent to Harms Way

The People’s Republic of Cambridge, which saw a significant spike in crime after the Floyding of America, “is preparing to replace police officers with unarmed social workers for some 911 calls. The city’s new Community Assistance Response and Engagement (CARE) team is expected to be operational as soon as July.”

How do we think that’s going to work out?

While Liz Speakman, the team’s director, assures that they can “radio for assistance immediately and get back up right away” if safety concerns arise, this raises serious questions about the potential risks involved in this approach. Will social workers without any law enforcement training be equipped to handle unpredictable situations that could escalate rapidly?

In Denver, drones have to be the future of law enforcement because the city cut the police and fire budgets to offset the costs of Biden’s illegal alien invasion. I guess the question there is, will the Fire Department be using drones soon, as well (umm, I think I see some smoke…), and what happens when the arial-observed criminal looks like a protected class of criminal? Do you ignore the crime? All that work costs a lot of taxpayer dollars. Think of all the money we could keep for ourselves (they say). And yes, this leads to my next point.

Are the sorts of calls you’d send a social worker also the kind you could probably stop responding to altogether (if you dared), or do we need to wait until a social worker (The Cambridge pre-drone answer) gets ground up in one of those unpredictable situations to make that call?

Not policing or just doing nothing is a hell of a lot cheaper than pretending to do it. Just ask Mayor Wu (in nearby Wuville – Nearer to Cambridge than Denver but filled with the same progressive “thinkers”). She has a list of crimes she’d like to see ignored that deprive citizens of “some” property. It’s not her stuff, and it’s been a long time since the Boston City government even acknowledged that it was created for but one purpose: to protect natural/individual rights.

And that’s the problem in a nutshell.

That incorporation to which you pay taxes (town, city, county, state, etc.) in exchange for “services” has become more interested in enriching itself and its friends than protecting and preserving shared interests (like livable, law-abiding, peaceful communities, for example). And, while social workers aren’t cheap, I expect that the sort they will send out cost much less than a fully trained law enforcement officer, especially if cops are harder to find or replace because they think you’d treat them like Derek Chauvin at the first opportunity.

And Oswald thought he was a patsy.

Elections Have Consequences

I’m sure there are situations where a social worker and a police officer might make sense instead of two officers. And I’d bet money the police union is pissed because social workers aren’t paying them dues while doing what used to be their work, not to mention lost overtime. Unions hate that! But those are all problems created by an increasingly expensive, corrupt political system whose answer to another problem it created is to put citizens, social workers, and police officers at increased risk of harm.

Always in places where the same people have made defending yourself a more serious crime than the crime you were defending yourself from.

Until voters put the progressive politicians who created this problem at risk of losing power (and not just for a few years) not long from now, they won’t even bother sending a drone (they need them to surveil law-abiding citizens) while explaining how good that is for “the community.”

To borrow a phrase, “Elections have Consequences.” Every election, for every race, and every seat or position. Every single time.

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